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I have only ever used shaving, waxing or tweezers to remove hair before, or else I have bleached the hair on my face so the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL was a completely new experience for me. It's nicely boxed and presented, although at first glance is a little daunting as it was slightly larger/clunkier than I expected (not that I knew what to expect really!) When I opened the box I was surprised to find a Gillette Venus razor inside as well as the Silk expert itself, but once I had read the instructions all became clear. I thought that the Silk expert removed the hair that was already on your body, but no! The Silk expert kills the roots and in order for this to happen as effectively as possible,you actually have to remove the hair first - hence the razor. As it happens, I've been really impressed with the razor and will probably look to buy this brand again.So, the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL promises 'permanent visible hair removal' and who doesn't want that (in the right places, of course)? I've now been using it for seven weeks and I can honestly say it has definitely made a difference to the amount and/or texture of the hair that has grown back. Let's start from the top and work down. First, upper lip - this is a bit of a tricky one as I have never removed the hair from my upper lip before, only ever bleached it so I can't say for sure whether it is the hair removal cream or the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL that is having the effect, but with a weekly treatment of both the hair is much less noticeable (and I really did have quite a lot in this particular place.) I recently went away on holiday and was unable to remove the hair from my upper lip for two weeks and it didn't make much noticeable difference, which I was really pleased about.Chin: I have (or should say HAD) probably 5-10 dark, coarse hairs in various places on my chin, with one in particular which was a persistent little blighter. Would you believe that after just one treatment with the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL it has yet to reappear?! Actually sounds too good to be true, but it is true. The other hairs are much less frequent, and when they do appear they come out really easily with tweezers, which makes me think that the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL has got to work on the root, which is what it's supposed to do. I haven't used the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL under my arms as I find this such a quick and easy place to tackle with the razor, that I'm happy to carry on that way. I might change my mind in the future though.Legs: now, obviously these are the largest part of the body to treat when it comes to hair removal and it's not just a case of 'spot zapping' them, instead you have to move the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL over the entire area with the button depressed in order to get pulses of light. It can take quite a while (I'm only treating from the knee down) and I'm also slightly unsure of the speed at which I should be moving the handset, but the results are still very encouraging as the hair is growing back more slowly and is definitely patchier.Feet/toes: yes, I have hairy feet and toes. It's possible there was a Hobbit somewhere in my ancestry. This is possibly the one place that I've noticed the least effect - ie they are still as hairy as before. I think this could possibly be because of the design of the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL, which I will come on to now.How it works: as I said earlier, the handset was a bit larger and heavier than I expected. There is quite a long cable which you plug in to the wall, so it means you don't have to be sitting right next to a plug to use it. It takes a couple of seconds to power up and then starts to whirr and the sensors begin to work. You hold the handset against the area you wish to treat and if the sensors are both in contact with the skin the lights on each side will turn white and you can press the button for the laser to operate. If the sensors are not fully in contact with the skin the lights remain red and the laser will not activate. This can make it difficult to use on some parts of the body - in my case I have found it hard to use on the tops of my feet because the shape of them isn't compatible with the shape of the handset and it takes some moving around and adjusting to get things right (this might be why I've found this part of my body is still a bit hairy!) How it feels: I had heard from other people that the IPL method of hair removal is quite painful, so I was a little bit nervous. But I have to say, it really doesn't hurt that much at all. So much so, that I wondered if I was doing it right at first! Legs and feet I have experienced virtually no pain or redness at all; when used on the upper lip and chin the laser feels quite hot, it does sting a bit and afterwards there is a little redness but it really isn't that bad at all. There is also the option of using the 'gentle mode' button for more sensitive areas.One last thing - pleased be warned - the laser flash is EXTREMELY bright. I've taken to scrunching up my eyes as well as covering them with my free hand and looking away, but I wonder whether it might be worth wearing sunglasses, or if there are in fact special glasses specifically for this - it might be nice if they were actually included in the kit.So, overall I can say I'm really pleased with the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL and I'm glad I've started using it. I can only hope that continued use will have more effect on hair growth and that soon I'll be hair free! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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When the box first arrived I was surprised at the size of the device itself. It is sturdy bit of kit, but fits in the hand easily and is light enough to use comfortably. The box contains Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL, power cord, instruction booklet and Gillette Venus razor. It plugs directly in to the mains so there was no waiting for the device battery to charge, which was a definite plus. The instructions are very clear and simple to follow in just a few pages for everything.You need to shave the area being treated first as the light works under the skin surface in the hair follicle, which explains the razor, and your skin needs to be clean and dry. When you turn the device on the white LEDs flash,the blue lights on the skin tone sensors light up, the fan whirs and you are ready to go. Both skin tone sensors, either side on the head of the device, need to make contact with the skin so that it can read your skin tone and then automatically adjusts the light intensity needed which is reassuring and one less thing to think about. If both sensors aren’t pressed on your skin correctly it won’t flash until full contact is made. When you press the device on to your skin the white LED power bars on each side of the handle light up and show the intensity that will be used. Being light skinned and dark haired all three LEDs lit up when I used it showing the highest intensity. The LEDs are on both sides of the handle which makes it easy to see regardless of your grip.If you are treating a more sensitive area you have the option to use the Gentle mode simply by pressing the button to turn it on or off. This will reduce the light intensity and so I assume will take longer to see results. Having never used IPL hair removal before I was a bit worried I would get the intensity wrong and end up hurting myself, I was tempted to only use it on Gentle for the first few times. However, with the automatic intensity adjustment I didn’t need to think about ‘getting it right’ and while it is great to have the Gentle mode option, I chose not to use it, preferring to use it in Normal mode and I haven’t found it painful in the slightest, a bit warm and tingly, but not painful. Depending on the size of the area you are treating you can either use Glide or Precision mode. For larger areas such as legs, Glide is much easier, you press and hold the treatment button while moving the device slowly up your leg and the light continuously flashes. For trickier or smaller areas where more precision is needed, rather than pressing and holding the treatment button you just press the button once to make the device flash once and move to the next area to be treated. Initially I overthought the whole thing and worried about moving too quickly, creating patches, or too slowly and overlapping the treated areas, so I began with precision mode on my leg. But instantly realising how long that was going to take I ditched my fears and switched to glide mode as there is a long enough pause between flashes to position correctly. The light is VERY bright and I tend to look away during treatment. I did wonder if glasses or goggles would have been a good addition to the kit so that you could watch what you were doing more closely and be confident you’re not missing a patch.An additional reassuring touch is the stand by (after 10 mins) and sleep mode (after 60 mins). I have found the fan is loud enough that I am unlikely to leave it unattended, but it’s always a good back up to have just in case.It is recommended you treat the area once a week for the first 4-12 weeks (depending on results) and then once a month afterwards for maintenance. There is no point in treating the area more than once a week as it doesn’t speed up the process any. As I tended to shave anyway this was just another step to add in once a week, which is great as in the first few weeks you don’t see any difference and the motivation to do it more than once a week would soon wear off. After a couple weeks there seemed to be a thinning of the hair but after about 6 weeks you really start to see progress so prepare yourself to be patient, it is worth it. I have only used it on my legs at the moment but having seen the results I will be starting on underarms and bikini line shortly. I had been worried about starting it on my face as I didn’t want to have a visible patch of no hair, including the light normal facial hairs, which I thought would stand out just as much as having darker hairs. But having reread the instructions and seeing that it only works on dark hairs and is not effective on lighter hair, I will definitely be tackling the small hairs at the side of my mouth. I am far more confident with it now and a true convert having seen the results. I would highly recommend. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I have very dark hair which grows quickly and pale skin, so was delighted to read in the instruction booklet that I am an ideal candidate for the Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL! The instructions were very clear and using the machine is extremely easy, so even though I was a little nervous to try it out, I was pleasantly surprised by how simple to use it turned out to be. First of all, I did a test as advised on my left underarm; I shaved using the Gillette Venus razor supplied then used the 'precision' mode on the test area. It took all of 30 seconds. I felt tiny flashes of mild heat and on one occasion, smelt hair burning, which must mean I missed a bit when shaving!It was painless-I felt perhaps the tiniest sting on the area I must have missed some hair, which encouraged me to shave very carefully when next using the device. There was some warmth and tingling after the test session, but I am sure that this was due to having shaved rather than using the Silk Expert, because I have felt it many times before, after shaving, especially on my underarms. I waited 48 hours as recommended, before using the device on my legs, other underarm and bikini line. It takes just a few minutes to use the machine on underarms and bikini line and a little longer for the legs, as there is more skin to cover! I find using the machine on my legs a little fiddly because I am a petite person and my shins are not very wide. I found that I could turn the machine sideways, however, and use it that way, which allows the machine to make the contact it requires before it emits the flash of light. You do need to be methodical in moving the machine over the skin you are treating, as (happily!) no mark is left and you need to remember which areas you've done and which you still need to do! I don't find this too much of a problem, however. The flashes of light are certainly bright but I do not find them a problem at all; no need for sunglasses or anything like that. The machine does get warm but it doesn't feel uncomfortable on the skin and the only place any-very mild-discomfort is on the ultra-sensitive bikini line area, which is quite understandable! Even when you miss a hair or two when shaving, you only feel the tiniest sensation when the machine zaps the follicle. It really is a remarkably pain-free experience. I continued to use the Silk Expert once per week as advised in the instructions and have now undertaken eight sessions. I have found an unexpected and very noticeable variation in how the different areas of my body have reacted to the machine: my underarms definitely still need daily shaving so I would say that so far, the Silk Expert has made little difference on hair growth there. This is surprising and I wonder if I've been doing something wrong, because I have noticed a striking change on my bikini line and on my legs: in both areas, the hair is growing through a great deal more slowly and more sparsely. It took about five weeks before I noticed a definite improvement, but now I find that in both areas I barely need to shave for the whole week in between sessions. I find that there are just a few random hairs coming through and large patches of hairless skin where before there was rapid, dark growth that needed shaving daily. It's not even been the full 12 weeks yet, so I'm honestly thrilled! I'm giving four stars for now because of the unexplained perseverance of my underarm hair (!) but would rather give one star for the underarms and five stars for the other areas of the body as that is a fairer reflection of how it has worked for me. I will return and give a final review at the end of the 12 weeks (after 12 sessions) in any case, as I would like to summarise my findings after the full time required . But for now, to summarise, definitely buy it, it works and saves a lot of time shaving each day! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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Braun Silk-expert 3 IPL BD3001 ReviewOK, so what is in the pack?* Braun Silk expert 3 IPL* Gillette Venus razor* Power cordThe Braun Silk expert 3 IPL does not need batteries or charging - hurray! So the power cord supplied is used to power it.The Gillette Venus razor is used prior to treatment to remove any excess hair above the surface of the skin. It's best to shave than to use any other kind of hair removal method as a prep, because the IPL works on the pigment of the hair left under the skin. Waxing, plucking and hair removal creams will remove some or part of the hair under the skin, so the IPL won't work effectively. Anyway, shaving is the quickest method,so it's a no brainer really.I have dark hair and olive skin, and the IPL works best on dark hair and fair-olive skin complexions. It won't work on blonde or red hair for example or very dark skin.I am very hairy, so I was keen to try this product. The instructions tell you to use it once a week for about 3 months to complete a course and thereafter, use just once a month to maintain the results. I found that after just one treatment, the hair grew back fainter - so it definitely works.As mentioned before, you have to shave the areas you want to treat first. I did upper lip, under arms, both arms and both legs to the knee and bikini line.In all it took about 30-40 minutes to complete these areas. You hold down the power button and run the device slowly over the area, making sure the light sensors don't flash - otherwise it means it's not making adequate skin contact. A very bright light is emitted, so wearing sunglasses isn't a bad idea, but not essential. There are two methods to using the IPL, as previously described you can press down the power button and run the device over the area you want to treat. This is good for large areas such as your legs. The second method is pulsing the flash using the button and just treating the immediate area that the device covers. Then repeating this on adjacent areas. This is good for more fiddly and smaller areas such as your under arms. Either way, it is extremely easy to use and the technique is quick to pick up. So no worries there.This new model has the intelligent SensoAdapt skin sensors, meaning that before every flash it reads your skin tone and then gives the best, most effective light emission for hair removal. One less thing to worry about! But do make sure the skin sensor light don't flash up red, as this means the device isn't placed properly on your body. Readjust the positioning to place the device window flat on your skin and this should work the best.The device can last up to an astounding 13 years, as 250,000 flashes can be produced from it. It also has Normal and Gentle modes. Gentle mode for more sensitive areas such as your bikini line or for first time users. Personally, I just kept it on Normal mode and there was absolutely no pain at all, just a slight tingly sensation.It's great that it doesn't need any charging or batteries, just plug in the power cable and go!I have used the IPL for a couple of months now and the results are astounding. It really does give permanent visible hair removal. Something I've been waiting for for years! And so much more convenient and less expensive than a professional treatment at a beauty salon. This product is great and I now have much more confidence when it comes to my hair removal. I highly recommend it - you won't regret it! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I have very dark body hair, I hate it! I've spent my life shaving, embarrassed, waxing, ashamed, epilating, hiding, bleaching, red faced, plucking and shy. As a society we have views on body hair and I do not fit in with those ideals. I have long wished I was hairless or that it was easier and more long lasting ridding myself of this blight. When I got offered the opportunity to try the Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL system I jumped at the chance, could this be the way to remove my unwanted hair permanently? I was so excited at the thought. On receiving my package, I wasted no time! The kit contains a Venus razor because you need to shave first. Good razor, close shave and my skin didn't feel irritated afterwards.Where did I treat? Legs, forearms, underarms and top lip. Treatment of so many areas took quiet some time, the process is quiet slow. You have to move the unit on to a new patch of skin after each flash, waiting for the next flash can become tedious when you're in a hurry to get ready for work. The device is easy to hold, has a good length power cord and is very simple to use. You just plug it in and press a button, simple. The device lets out a flash and that's the area it is in contact with treated. There's a slight warmth but absolutely no pain whatsoever! The light is meant to damage the hair root and then the hairs don't grow back. Where hair has a life cycle you don't manage to treat them all during one treatment. You should not be looking at it when it flashes. If there is a stray hair you may have missed while shaving, you get the smell of singed hair and your skin gets a little hot in that area. This CANNOT be used on tattooed skin. I caught the very edge of my ankle tattoo, I knew what I had done instantly and may well have turned the air blue! The IPL system works on the pigment of the hair, which is why it is only suitable for dark hair, also works on tattoo pigment! Having to shave my top lip scared me silly! I thought I'd end up with awful stubble and look ridiculous! Thankfully because of the results and the way this works, my fears were unfounded. The aftermath is fine, no irritation, no spiky stubble, it grows back soft. I have found that my results have varied, after six treatments, one week apart;Legs - I am noticing the hair has been growing back more slowly and patchier, this is really working! Forearms - I am getting a few ingrowing hairs but I am starting to notice some results. Underarms - Yet to notice any real difference. I wonder if this is due to the difference in texture to other areas. Top lip - The hairs seem finer as they grow back and I'm hopeful that this will make a real difference over time. Although my results are not amazing I would say that they're not amazing YET, it is working. Perseverance and time are the words of the day. I have not given up hope. Would I be happy if I had bought this product? At this point that's hard to answer. Based on my current results I would have to say that I wouldn't be 100% happy, however I will continue using the device and I really think that after another six treatments or so my answer is likely to be that I would be completely happy to have purchased the Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL. My search for hairlessness may well have ended. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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After using the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL for 6 weeks, I am pleased to share that it does work - albeit with a few patchy spots where my hair is slightly coarser. The day before I first used the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL, used the included Gillette Venus razor as well as my usual hair removal cream on my legs, stomach, chest, chin, and upper lip. Due to the scarring in my armpit from a previous infection, I chose not to try this item on my armpits, and I also chose not to try this on my bikini area. The Braun Silk expert 3 IPL is very easy to use! The long cord ensures that it has a long reach. A downside is it doesn't have an on/off switch,but it's only activated by pressing the button down and only works if it is making contact with your skin, so I consider it safe. I still would make sure I unplugged it after every use to safely store it away. The Braun Silk expert 3 IPL can get very hot! I was wishing I had started at my face instead of my legs, because by the time I got to my face the part that has to make contact with my skin felt very hot, and in fact, my chest had a sunburn like appearance the following day. I soon remedied this in the following weeks and made sure I started with my face!I have PCOS, and due to the PCOS I have unwanted hair in excess on my upper lip, chin, and chest. I am pleased to report that after a few short weeks I was seeing less hair growing back on all three, but the coarse hair on my chin is very persistent. It is, however, growing back slower! The hair on my stomach is patchy, with the most re-growth right around my navel (where the hair is also coarse). My legs were complicated. As a woman in her late 30s, I'm already experiencing the phenomenon of having less leg hair regrowth whilst experiencing more hair on my face, chin, and chest, so the hair on my legs has always been patchy. However I have noticed a significant drop in the length of time between needing to shave, so it's obviously working!As stated above, the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL is very easy to use. I used a combination of the glide method and the pulse method - finding the pulse method better on smaller areas like my upper lip, but the glide function worked perfectly on my stomach and legs. The hard part was remembering the areas I had already treated! The Braun Silk expert 3 IPL is larger than a shaver, and I did find it hard to grip with my petite hands (I have a 13 yr old cousin with bigger hands than me!) so I had to take frequent breaks to give my hand a rest. The bright light is also hard to avoid looking at as it seems to come out of the side of the unit. I had to lock my kittens out of the room I was in because they kept looking at the light and I was worried about them damaging their eyes. I did find a solution was to wear a pair of sunglasses whilst using the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL so the light wasn't quite as bright. I also detected a small click noise each time it gave a burst of light, so I was able to close my eyes and listen for the sound to know if it was time to move it or not. All-in-all, I like the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL and I've always been a fan of the Gillette Venus razor. I'm hoping that with continued use it will help to eliminate even more of the regrowth. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I've been using the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL device for several weeks now and am very impressed with the results so far. Coming from an Indian background, I am, embarrassingly, rather hairy. Not just that, my body hair is dark and thick and very quick to grow back. Up until now, I have tried waxing (left me with in-grown hairs and scars) and shaving (would get growth back in under 24 hours and if I shaved again too quickly I get unsightly razor rash) so I often just keep my legs covered! I've been looking for a better and more long term method of hair removal so really hoped that this product would do the trick.The product comes in attractive packaging and, helpfully, includes a Gillette Venus razor.I was pleased to find that the device is very simple to operate. Essentially, you plug it in and go! As directed, I have used it once a week for 8 weeks. I didn't notice any change for the first 3-4 weeks so was starting to feel a bit disappointed. However, I continued using the device and soon after that I noticed that there was a decrease in my hair growth and the hair was not growing back as quickly as it previously did. So far, I have been using it on my legs, arms, underarms and upper lip. I'm hoping that these results continue and my hair growth reduces to almost nothing!The device is a bit heavy but still fairly easy to use. It plugs into a socket which is really helpful as you don't have to wait for it to charge up before use. When using the device, you hold it against your skin and it has two lights on the side which will turn white if you have positioned it correctly. You can then press the button to get a pulse of light. If you haven't positioned it correctly, the lights on the side will stay red and the laser won't work until you have correctly positioned it. When the laser activates, there is a flash of bright light so I'd advise against looking directly at it. The actual laser is not painful. It can feel a little hot against more sensitive areas and there may be some redness after use but I found that this disappears quite quickly. There is also a "sensitive" setting which can be used for treating sensitive areas.The only downside - and it is relatively minor - is that is takes quite a long time to treat the whole body and you can forget which areas you've treated and miss patches (especially on legs and arms). In order you speed up treatment on larger areas, you can hold down the power button continuously and just move the the device along the area you are treating. I tried this but found I preferred to do each section individually, ie hold the device against my skin, press the button and then let go after the flash and then move the device to the next patch, press the button again etc.Overall, I am definitely impressed so far. I will continue using this product and hope to soon be hair free. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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Having used this product weekly for two months now, I feel it's a good time to provide a detailed review. I have fair skin and dark hair and was hoping for really good results from this. I decided I would concentrate on the areas where hair growth bothers me most: underarms, lower legs bad bikini line. One thing to point out is that the area must be clean shaven. The laser will not remove existing hair but shoes down the growth of new hair. I used the Gillette razor for this and found it very efficient. So, first impressions, this is a professional looking piece of equipment. However I was put off by the fact that it had to be plugged into the mains. I would have much preferred a cordless version.However there is an extra long cord so it wasn't too restrictive once I got used to it. The handset itself is quite lightweight, which is good,but not flimsy so I was comfortable using it on larger areas such as my lower legs. Now on to the written instructions, I did find them quite complicated but soon got the hang of what to do. I was reassured by the comments that this adapts to you skin tone and reduces the intensity as appropriate. This helped aleiviate any fears of damaging the skin. My priority was my underarm area and this is where I have been most impressed with the results. I shave my underarms daily when I shower but still used to find I had a dark shadow which was quite noticeable against my fair skin. Since using this product weekly on my underarms the hair regrowth is minimal, almost nil and the skin colour is much brighter. A great result. I used the standard setting, I didn't need the gentle setting on this area and didn't find using it uncomfortable at all. In contrast, I found it quite painful around my Bikini line and used the gentle setting each time. The results here have been slower here, perhaps due to the setting and I will continue to use monthly on an as and when needed basis to slow down the hair growth completely. My lower legs are not too hairy but with Summer coming I was looking forward to seeing the results. As mentioned it's important to make sure the skin is clean shaven and there is a useful sensor light which helps you to ensure that the light pulse is always on the skin. My lower legs are smoother than ever and I have not shaved for three weeks now. Any hair that has come back is softer and not stubbly and I am confident with continued use this will become less and less. All in all this is a great product but you need to invest time in using it and be patient. With the results I have seen so far I am delighted and will continue using. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I have always wanted to try one of these, but have been apprehensive at the same time! I have been using the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL for a few weeks now, and I am surprised at just how well we're getting along. From the very beginning: great packaging and I was impressed that it came with a razor as the instructions clearly state that you should be hair free before using it (but with hair still in growth phase, i.e not waxed or ripped out in any other way) - a nice touch!The size of the device is a little cumbersome, and didn't seem particularly delicate. However, it's well designed, ergonomic, and easy to handle. It's not too heavy, and fits nicely in your hand as you use it.The instruction manual is clear, and all risks and potential problems/dangers are well covered. The device only works plugged in - it's not a charger. All parts must be connected for it to work and once it does, you're good to go. Once plugged in it has a constant humming noise, as the fans and cooling mechanism are constantly working to ensure that it cannot overheat. On first using, I set it to gentle mode. This is simple - one simple touch of a button and mode is activated. This probably reflects my apprehension more than anything, but I don't imagine a gentle introduction is a bad thing. When using the device, I was surprised on many levels: - it's not especially hot, although it does give off a little heat.- the intensity of the light given off; don't be looking at it while you use it. Sometimes I use sunglasses as I worry, and the instruction booklet does tell you to look away, I know. Curiosity makes you peek a few times, but it's not a great feeling so ignoring it becomes easier. - how simple it was. After a few uses, it became easier and easier, and felt natural. However, it's not exactly a speedy process; make sure that you have plenty of time before "hair blasting" as I have affectionately termed it...! Something I have noticed is that any missed hairs, or rougher areas where shaving isn't as effective, can sometimes case a stronger pulse and a slight aroma of sizzling hair. I assume that the hair protruding from the skin is zapped, rather than the hair growing subcutaneously. It also results in a slight warmth/tingling/zapping feeling. It's not the nicest, but I can honestly say it's not a patch on epliating or waxing! So far, I notice a decrease in rate of growth, as well as minimisation of density and a decrease in the thickness of growing hair. I cannot wait to have the full results and enjoy a hair-free summer now! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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When I received the Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL I was so excited to use the product and hopefully become hair free!! My initial thoughts were what a nice simple device and looked very easy to use. I started off by using the Gillette Venus Razor as you can only use the Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL on clean shaven skin. This razor was great as many leave me with terrible rashes but this one was perfect for my skin and left me feeling smooth and sleek. I decided to use the Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL on my legs, underarm, bikini line and upper lip. I started off by plugging the device in and it automatically switches on. The head of the device once place on the skin adjusts to different skin colours and types.Once you have placed the machine onto the skin you press the button and a zap of light will then work its magic. Using the IPL on my legs was painless, you feel a slight warm sensation and sometimes a slight burning smell. On my underarm, bikini line and upper lip I sometimes found the warm sensation too much so i started using the sensitive button and this was much better. On one occasion after about 3 uses i did get a rash under my arms and on my bikini line. The rash under my arms was a little uncomfortable so I used some cream and it disappeared within a couple of days and never happened again. I think as you only use the IPL once a week this prevents your skin from becoming over sensitive and if rashes do occur it gives them time to heal.The results I've achieved using the IPL in my opinion are amazing, especially as I've only been using the product for approximately 7 weeks. My legs seems basically hair free already, only a few odd hairs have appeared here and there. The hair growth under my arms is considerably less and my upper lip. The area im most impressed with is my bikini line. Considering in this area hair is darker, thinker and coarser the hair growth has started to reduce each week. To the point that I could remove hair by pulling it slightly. I really cant wait to continue using this product and hopefully be hair free in a few months. I would 100% recommend the Braun Silk Expert IPL 3. It really does give you salon quality results in the comfort of your own home.One thing I would mention that would improve the product and for me give it 5 stars is I think protective glasses should be provided as the light from the device is extremely bright and quite sensitive to the eye, so protective google would be a great improvement. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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So I got my Braun Silk Expert 3 IPL. First impressions are that I love the packaging! I'm a bit of a sucker for anything purple to be honest! In the box you get your IPL, the Gillette Venus Razor and the power cord. I always use Gillette Venus Razors as I find them the best on the market anyway. The instruction booklet is included also and once you get a full read through you realise it is really easy to use. The one thing I did want to check was that I could use it as I am pregnant. Unless I didn't read it thoroughly enough (!!) there is no metntion of me not being able to use it when pregnant. But there is also nothing to say I can, so maybe this could be added??I took advice from a friend in the maternity field and she said it should be ok. I'm usually a shave and go girl, and usually miss a few patches in the process, but for my first use I shaved off all the unwanted hair and started the using the device. I am fair skinned with quite coarse dark hair. So this device should be perfect for me! For the first few uses I found the device including the cord quite fiddly, but once I had used it a few times it came naturally and became part of my routine. I was slightly disappointed in the first couple of weeks. I usually go for a wax every 5-6 weeks in different areas and was tempted just to let the hair grow out to get it waxed again but wanted to leave it for about 6 weeks and see how the device faired. It is quite warm in the skin, which is quite good because it makes you feel that it is working. After about 4 weeks I started to see small results. The hair appeared to be growing back slightly less thickly and there appeared to be less of it. After 6 weeks use I was convinced that it was working! My regrowth definitely feels less, especially on my lower leg. My underarms are a work in progress as I knew they would be!! I think it may take another few weeks there to show big results. I haven't been back for my waxing and don't plan to any time soon! I feel the device is well worth it for the money. It's just part of my routine now and I'm happy to recommend it to friends and family! Going forward I think it would be great to have a similar device for the face, as this can't be used in this area. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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As it is fast approaching that time of year where my milky white pins need to see daylight, I was keen to explore a more lasting approach to hair removal.The Braun Silk-expert 3 IPL hair removal system seemed like the solution; safe, effective permanent hair removal is what it promises.What I didn't know before I started using my Silk-expert is that skin tone and body hair type can mean that an IPL is not always affective. On the side of the box is a really useful colour chart which I found really helpful. With my medium skin tone and dark hair, this product would work for me. During a treatment of any given area, the wand will read your skin tone and adapt the light intensity to ensure efficiency and safety.IPL can be used on legs, pits, face, bikini line and for the boys, backs and chests too.The Silk-expert works beneath the skins surface by targeting the melanin in the hair, helping break the cycle of hair growth. It can take up to 12 weeks during the start-up phase (although some can see the effects after only four treatments). Before treatments, it's important to remove all visible hair (that is why the Venus razor is included within the box), and any lotions or potions you may have on your skin. Once you've prepared, it's time to plug in the Silk-expert and glide it over the chosen area. At first this was hit and miss as I wasn't sure how quickly I should glide the wand up and down my legs, I soon got the hang of it and found it really quick and easy to use. I experienced no pain or redness even after my first treatment. Unfortunately my stubourn hair decided it wanted to continue growing after the first four weeks, but 9 weeks in I've seen a huge improvement. My leg hairs are sparse and I'm hopeful with the last few treatments my Silk-expert will have done 'what it said on the tin', my armpit hair is more of less gone and I'll only need the maintenance treatments once a month or so.Easy to use, no mess, and more importantly no pain and a summer of beautifully silky legs. The only reason it's not got the five stars is that its not an overnight fix and you do need to preserver. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I've been using the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL on my lower legs, Bikini line and arms for 6 weeks now, and so far I am really pleased with the results. I generally use it once per week after shaving. It does a little while to cover all these areas and I personally think that's the only downside of this. The outside of the box clearly shows skin and hair combinations so its easy to see if using the IPL will be suitable and safe to use with your skin tone. The contents of the box include everything you need to get going: IPL unit, a Gillette Venus razor and the power cord. The instruction manual included is very detailed and gave me all the information I needed to confidentially use the device.To get started, its as simple as plugging it in and pushing the button. As soon as its powered up, the fans kick in and makes a whooshing noise. The light that flashes when being used is very bright which took me by surprise initially and it feels warm against the skin, but it is certainly not painful or uncomfortable. I have fairly sensitive skin and had no unwanted side affects from use. The main button can be pushed once or held down to either cover small spaces or larger areas. For larger areas, holding the button down triggers continuous flashes as you move the unit over the area. The IPL reads your skin tone with every movement & placement of the sensors and adjusts the intensity to match this which is great. There is also a small sensitive button which reduces the intensity. My hair regrowth is most definitely reduced and they grow through thinner and lighter. The time between shaves reduces each week I use the IPL, so I am eager so see what the longer term results will be. I was most definitely a little wary at first of the thought of using a laser, it seemed almost scary, I was sure it would be painful, but I was very pleasantly surprised. Its not painful or uncomfortable in the slightest. I would love for the process to be quicker and for each session not to take so long, but if it brings the results I hope for, it will be worth it. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I've never used an IPL hair remover before and was rather excited and anxious to try the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL with Gillette razor. Would it hurt? Would it work? Well.....You have to shave first, which i thought was odd but after reading the destructions, it became clear. The bolt of light from the hand held system works at the root so you need to eliminate all hair growth first. It can take up to 12 weeks to fully work....follow the same process each week for upti 12 weeks...you will be fuzz free for upti 18 months! ....by fully work, I mean you are fuzz free long term. After my first use, I had quite a lot of skin irritation on my legs so had to really make a conscious effort to moisturize daily for about 3-4 days.On the plus side, normally after shaving before a night out, the next morning, I have stubble....not this time - it was 3 days before I started with regrowth. After my second use, I braced myself for next day irritation - I didn't get any at all. My legs were still fuzz free. My Braun Silk expert 3 IPL was working a treat and it was now around 4 days before I noticed hair regrowth. Week 5 and after a glorious silky smooth Gillette Venus razor shave, I set to work with the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL and this time it was a full week before I got any stubble on my legs. The hair that had grown through was noticeably less coarse and there were distinct "bald" patches where the (I assume) weaker hairs had seased to re-grow. Overall, the Braun Silk expert 3 IPL is really good. It's a rather bulky product but stows away nicely in its box. I do think goggles, like sunbed goggles would be a good idea - the blast of light, whilst not directly hitting your eyes (you can't do your face with this product) is quite intense. There is no pain, and apart from the occasional burning smell from a freshly zapped missed hair, and initial skin irritation (equivelant to a last minute dry shave with a blunt razor irritation) this is a great investment for a summer of silky smooth legs. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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The braun Silk-expert 3 IPL is a permanent hair removal system using light beams. If, like me, you are fed up with shaving everyday then this seems like the answer to our prayers. It promises results in as little as eight weeks. I couldn’t wait to try it. The box is huge and I did think that I would get through all the packaging and find something the size of a razor inside but actually the product itself is quite big. It isn’t heavy but does still feel cumbersome despite its sleek ergonomically designed shape. It is all very simple to set up, just plug it in and you’re off. No need to wait for it to heat up or charge. The instruction booklet is 80% warnings and 20% manual.There are a lot of warnings about the correct way to operate, making sure you do not look directly at the light. It goes through the type of skin that can use the device and the likely time frames until you see results. Using the appliance is very straightforward, hold the device against your skin and press the button. Depending on if you are doing a large area (legs) or a small area (upper lip) you either hold the button down and move the device continuously or just press once and let go. The red flash it emits when you press the button is incredibly bright, I can see why you are not supposed to look at the light. It feels a little bit like a very mild electric shock, although not painful at all. The instructions say to move the device continuously while holding the button down to do large areas however the light only flashes every 2-3 seconds so the whole area is not being treated each time. The results? After 8 weeks I canStart to see the difference but the manual does say it can take up 18 months to achieve complete hair removal if you have particularly thick or coarse hair. It is also very patchy on my legs but hopefully over time this will even out. I will persevere as, if it works, make my life easier (and my showers shorter). [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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