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For Bigtop Automatic Open/Close Double canopy folding umbrella BLACK, 81 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.9.

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After dozens of cheap umbrellas and experiencing everything from being blown inside-out in a breeze to breaking within an hour of purchase, I've finally bought myself this umbrella, specifically for three reasons:1. It has a large canopy2. It features wind-resistant double canopy3. It is foldable.I've looked all over Amazon and this is by far the *only* umbrella I've come across that combines all three at a reasonable price (the others being over £50).And due to our lovely London weather, I had a chance to test this out almost immediately. Here's what I've found:1. The large canopyIt is HUGE.I know 123cm doesn't sound that big, but it covers almost *twice* as much area as one that is 96cm (yes,I've done the math: 1.18 square metres vs 0.72 square metres)It is so huge it almost looks ridiculous for a single person to carry this, but I prefer function over fashion so I don't mind. If you're looking for something dainty and light, this is not your umbrella.2. The double canopy.This means the canopy is made of two separate, overlapping canopies joined only at the ribs, and allow the gusts of wind to pass through. It worked reasonably well for me following instructions (i.e. point the umbrella towards the wind, not away from it - common sense really) despite the huge canopy, and held really well.3. The folding designI haven't come across many large, double canopy foldable umbrellas, so this is by far the most important feature for me: something that folds small enough to fit in my backpack so I know it's there when I need it. Due to the large size and double canopy, it's not really very compact, but its about as compact as something of this size gets.4. Construction and materialsThis umbrella seems quite well built and sturdy - light weight aluminium frame and main ribs, with fibreglass ribs at the tips. The push button mechanism and springs seem a bit tight, but nothing to complain about.So why only 4 stars?Just one major complaint for me:The rubberised handle, while comfortable to hold, is simply too small. It measures about 6 cm in length and even for my medium-sized hands I can only get three fingers around it.Adding to the difficulty is that this is quite a heavy umbrella - not a problem in itself - but because of the ridiculous handle becomes very difficult to hold it, especially in the wind.All in all, a solid, reliable umbrella that's almost perfect and well worth the price...with the short handle being the only thorn in the side.Highly recommended.
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I have just spent the last week looking at numerous reviews of umbrellas trying to compare stats with appearance, and wanted to share this for others that find themselves in a similar quandary. Firstly, thanks to the previous reviewer on this site who helpfully details the pros and cons of the Bigtop versus the Fulton Jumbo, two main runners in the battle of mens umbrellas.There were a few other contenders on my list. The Gustbuster Metro - quite a few other people have written about it's inferior build quality and how it had broken easily. The Fulton Typhoon and Windbreaker - these both seem to me to give a fairly smaller canopy (92cm and 97cm respectively) for a similar price.I had also previously owned a Fulton Magnum and despite its stylish appearance, its apparently strong reinforced shaft only lasted a few months before it buckled and I could no longer open and close it, so I admit I was already quite wary of Fultons.I bought the Bigtop a few days ago and have just had the perfect rainy and windy day to try it out. It held its own without problem. The canopy is huge, and it could take really strong gusts that I'm sure would have inverted lesser umbrellas. The opening and closing mechanism is powerful and quick. It folds up easily and I was not struggling to get it back in its case. Others have mentioned the handle's short length which maybe a drawback. It measures 6 cm, and is fine for my hands, but I can imagine it being a little annoying if you have large hands or are used to a much longer handle. Just to note, from the pictures of the other umbrellas mentioned above, none look like they have much bigger handles either. The other thing that surprised me was it's weight (500 g), but for such a large umbrella I suppose it is to be expected. The others are lighter, but of course smaller.I do not find this a tacky or unattractive umbrella, which was mentioned in the previous review, but that is a matter of taste I'm sure. It may not have the style or the Royal endorsement of the Fultons, but for me functionality takes precedence for such a practical item. I'm confident already that this umbrella won't let me down.
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UPDATE - this brolly has served me well for 5-6 years. Far longer than most - especially collapsible ones. It's now been lost - so I am ordering another one.ORIGINAL REVIEW -I like big umbrellas - golf sized generally. My attitude is that if it's raining heavily enough to need an umbrella I want one big enough to keep me dry - not something the size of a handkerchief. So all my "real" umbrellas are big ones.But you don't want to carry a big umbrella around all day just in case. So that's where compact ones come in handy. I wanted one that was still a decent size when I actually need to use it. This fits the bill. The compromise is it's still about a foot long when collapsed.That's ok by me - it's small enough to fit in a briefcase, backpack, carrier bag or whatever. I think super-compact ones are pointless if they're too small to actually do the job. But be aware before buying that this is NOT going to fit in a purse or back pocket. It's chunky.Being big also means it's got a reasonable length shaft. Some are so short, you have to hold the handle up near your chin! Not this one. It's comfortable in use, though not quite as long and comfortable as a normal umbrella.The vented canopy means it is much less likely to blow inside out. But it's still more vulnerable than a normal umbrella because the canopy is much flatter. Some reviewers have complained about damage in heavy winds. Personally I wouldn't rely on a compact under severe conditions. But mine has stood up to some fairly strong gusts.The handle is a reasonable size compared to most compacts, but still not as good as a normal umbrella.I've had mine about 2 years, and am very satisfied. I'd definitely recommend it, but don't expect it to be perfect. By definition a compact umbrella is a compromise. Having said that I've given it 4 stars instead of 5 - because I think the compromise could have been a tad better; a slightly larger handle would have been worth the extra length in my opinion.
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I've owned one of these for more than 5 years. Used mainly for work where I travel to various offices using a combination of car or train or bus, and needing some protection from the elements for the last mile or so walking. So this brollie has endured continuous travel, being dropped, being put away wet for the day and passed with flying colours. But perhaps the greatest endorsement is surviving in-tact around those blustery office blocks. As any London or city commuter will tell you, nothing is worse than those tornado-winds that whip around the tall buildings and narrow city streets, it feels like a force 9 or 10 gale just around the entry and exit and on the street corners, just for a moment.This umbrella, with it's strong frame and vented canopy, has stoutly survived every trip and is wide enough when open to shelter a colleague as well.So for the commuter or shopper, I think this is ideal. I couldn't say it would survive the wilderness, or walking through woods or hills or mountains as I've never tried, but for work, travel and to keep in the car, it's excellent and well worth the money.In fact I'm only buying a replacement, not due to any failure, but because I left it on a train last Thursday whilst in a desperate rush back for parents-evening. Despite having my name and number attached, whoever has found it has not handed-it-in or returned it to me, so no doubt they too are appreciating the quality and portability of a great umbrella. Enjoy !
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First, the automatic button-press to open/close is the best thing ever, a surprisingly nice feeling and even though they are quite common, still has people asking questions about it!However, I would say there is an issue in the closing process. Heres an example:- Open the umbrella by undoing the Velcro and pressing button to automatically open the canopy and lengthen the umbrella- When done, press the button to close the canopy- But the issue is that when you need to open it again, the button press wont work - you need to FIRST press down to shorten the umbrella before the button to open will work againAnother issue that annoys me but isnt a big deal is that, when holding the umbrella,as the handle is square the easier way to hold is with the button near your thumb (to easily close). However in this position the velcro strap that keeps it together when closed dangles right in front of your eyesWhen closed and shortened, its also quite big, but not overly big - fitting in large pockets and not taking up "that" much room in a bag - a nice amount for the canopy size.In terms of the strength, it is good, capable of holding up to winds. It will obviously get damaged in VERY HIGH winds (any umbrella would), but so far in high winds its been fine - so it isa relatively well built umbrella.Overall i'm very happy with this purchase.
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I've owned this umbrella for 3 years - simply the best brolly I've had. Folds neatly and quickly into a small enough size to put into a briefcase but at the press of the button. opens up to a huge canopy - enough to keep dry even in a downpour. Clever 'double brolly', tough design means it won't blow inside out, even in fairly strong wind. It is fairly heavy as umbrellas go but I'm fine with carrying it to work in the bottom of my bag and forgetting about it until needed. Perhaps the handle is a little on the small side, but otherwise highly recommended - saved me from a soaking many times!Update: It's now 2017 and I've been the proud owner of this brolly for 6 years - still going strong.Since the last review I have been caught out in strong winds when it has blown inside out, but the tough spokes simply flip back in place again, unharmed (I know mine is a different experience to other reviewers - maybe they've changed the materials?). Also I've noticed the frame has absolutely no rust at all - in fact it looks as good as new. My only gripe is the handle is a bit short which makes it a bit uncomfortable to hold for long periods - otherwise faultless and after 6 years of regular use, still the best brolly I've ever used.
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This is a big umbrella. It claims to be a woman's golf umbrella but is also ideal for ladies or men walking out in town which is why I bought it. The double canopy works well in high winds to let the air escape and so far, it hasn't blown inside out, even with the strong winds we have had recently. I agree with other reviewers, the handle is a bit small for a man's hand, but in a wind, it needs 2 hands on the shaft to hold it steady. Without wind the handle is OK.The umbrella opens fully automatically but only the canopy collapses when closing, the shaft has to be collapsed manually.It is not the smaller of folding umbrellas [33.5 cm (13.2") long by 7.6 cm (3") diameter], nor the lightest [500gm (1.1 lbs)]but is very useful in bad weather.
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I have had the Bigtop umbrella for around a month now and have used it a fair bit. It is the only umbrella I have come across that is large enough to keep you dry (125cm diameter) and yet fit into a briefcase. The material is good quality and the double canopy does seem to work to stop the umbrella blowing inside out in gusts of wind. The only downside is that the handle is quite small, which means that in a strong wind it is hard to hold on to. However, if you want a short umbrella, you can't have a long handle. It seems to be well made, with a clever folding design, though I haven't owned it long enough to judge this.I have now had two colleagues at work sufficiently impressed that they went out and bought the same umbrella.
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It is compact when closed so very easy to carry and pack into bags and hand luggage and a good size when open. As I travel around the world for a living It has been used in every type of weather condition, from drizzle rain to tropical storms and has never let me down or let me get wet. This is a well made product and the second one I have purchased.The first one has come to the end of its days after about 5 years. It is still serviceable but is beginning to look tired after constant use while traveling, Looking tired is no fault of the product it is all the handling and use it has had, stuffed into suit cases, brief cases, shoulder bags and being opened up in high winds and heavy rain.Great product highly recommended.
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This is the third of these umbrellas that I have purchased and I must say that they are fantastic!!!! the second one of these has lasted me nearly 4 years only reason I have purchased a new one is that one of the spines got broken {by myself} only thing to complain about is that the umbrellas DO blow inside out!!! with the winds round these parts of the country getting very blowy alwys best to hold the umbrella into the wind but even so at times underdraughts still make the umbrella flip outwrds!!! but even so still a very good buy and large enough to keep my nice and dry biggest size of an umbrella that can be folded down to fit into my manbag!!!!


I bought this umbrella due in part to the other great reviews about it. I needed something that would be large enough to cover myself and at least one of my children. I've usually got one on my hip or attached to me in some way, so having a big enough umbrella to cover us both was ideal! The umbrella is durable, pops open easily, and withstands strong wind gusts. If you need to walk through a door way/entrance, you can press the button on the handle, and it collapses the top part of the umbrella. Very convenient. I agree that the metal shaft feels/looks a little cheap; but the overall quality and durability has been fantastic so far.


I bought this as a present for my mother, who wanted an umbrella she could use whilst out walking the dog IE. small enough to easily carry when closed, but also bigger than the usual "compact" umbrellas when open. This fits the bill perfectly & my mother is very pleased with it.Only negative thing I can say is that the first one we received had a small rip in the stitching. All credit to Amazon though - getting a replacement was very easy. Just filled in a returns form online, printed out the return label (no return postage cost) & sent back, and the replacement turned up within a week. This is how product returns should be done!


This had a part broken when it arrived, which happens but Amazon dealt with it quickly and sent another one to me. This is a very large umbrella. At first i thought ops i made a mistake and its too big, as it is like a golfing umbrella when opened. But actually you need it, it keeps you really dry. A good umbrella I think.


Great umbrella, have owned a few down the years, won't survive very strong winds though and a few have broken. Design has recently changed and the umbrella is now a little longer than the previous version and the handle has changed. This should be updated as should the picture.


great for holding over my mammy whilst she gets in n out of her wheelchair into car etc. and its nice to be able to hold onto it when its windy. to be honest i hope its raining every time we go out just so i can push that button that automatically opens the brolli, i love it.

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