

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Beaba Multi Portion Flower reviews.
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For Beaba Multi Portion Flower, 5 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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I still batch cook some meals for my daughter who is one and these have been really handy for storing portions in the freezer. I bought two as if I need more I transfer the portions in the freezer into large freezer bags once frozen and then refill with the recently made food. Found it really handy but it does take up room. I store these in a freezer which has draws and you can only fit two in comfortably but you would be able to also fit freezer bags and smaller food storage trays if you have some.


Really helpful for prepping and saving baby food. Nice to have the top, easy to clean, smooth to get the frozen food out, good size for first bites through to first meals


Easy to clean and pop out frozen purée. Would recommend this to any mom who is making her own baby food.


Perfect for freezing portions of food for babies/children


Perfect for freezing baby food, very easy to use

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