

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Bayer Design Princess Buggy (30182) reviews.
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For Bayer Design Princess Buggy (30182), 29 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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I did a bit of poking around for baby buggies before settling on this one and am so glad I did! It's honestly way stronger than I ever thought it could be, haha. Our daughter has had it for almost a year already and uses it every day, both inside and outside. Now she's a bit big but, for a short period of time, she even took rides in it around our apartment! highly recommend if you're in the market for a baby buggy.


This is the best doll buggy I have come across so far! Nice & stable, great strong fabric, lovely animation... Absolutely loooove it! The additional 2nd safety feature for folding is great but as for all of these type of folding umbrella buggies - don't let a small child attempt to do it - fingers will likely get hurt


Brilliant. After thinking my 15 month old daughter would never get waking, bought her this and after 1 week was off all on her own. Had to put a few tins in at first for extra weight until she got used to it. Loves it and folds down small so easy to take places to keep her amused.


Really strong and sturdy. My Daughter loves putting her baby in the pram and pushing it around the garden. I’m really happy I bought this as I’ve bought others before, not as strong. This is perfect to put baby Charlotte-(my daughters fave doll) into when we pop to the shops.


My little daughter enjoys playing with this toy, it’s made of good quality and you save a lot of space by folding it down when kids are no longer playing with it.Highly recommend this item.


Bought this for a one year old and six months later she still loves it. Cheap but sturdy, she even sits in it asking me to push her and it is still going strong.


Great little buggy for my 2.5 year old to push her dolls about in. Quite robust too. My 5 year old son managed to squeeze into it and it didn’t break!


One of the most reasonably priced dolls prams I have seen. Looks adorable and is nice and sturdy. My daughter absolutely loves it. Highly recommended.


My granddaughter loves this for her teddies. Easy to assemble, survives the battering from a 20 month old toddler...would reccomend


brought this for my granddaughter 17 months old and she loves it to bits strong enough not to collapse on her when playing.


Bought this for my granddaughter's birthday and she loves it. Ideal size for a 2 year old. Very easy to maneuver.


Nice sturdy little dolls buggy just right our little granddaughter when she comes to play in our house!


Folds flat so perfect to put out of the way. My grand daughter loves this when she comes to us.


its very easy to assemble and lite weight for a 2 year old girl she loved it alot thanks x


I'm so happy to have this item. My baby likes to play with this a lot. Good investment.

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