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For B Kids Projecto Lamp, 17 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.1.

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My baby loves this light projector, it helps sooth him to sleep with the calm music and lights. It has different settings on the back you can play music or natural sounds ie the sea and you can change the volume too. This is really good for a night light too as my baby is still in my room it's bright enough for me to see to change his nappy and give him a bottle but it does not disturb my partner. The only downfall is there are about 5/6 song but it will always play the same one, you have to manually change it but that does not affect us as my baby is normally asleep by the end of the first song anyway. Also when I was looking for a projector I found it hard to find one to fit on a snuzpod (crib)and this one does.
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I ordered this for my 8month old who has been having trouble sleeping through the night. The helpful voice sensor comes on if she wakes in the night and it does help her to get back to sleep! When the top projector mode is on (as shown in my pictures) she loves the stars that appear on the ceiling and her cot sides. The stars change colour and fade in and out, the colours of the light are also lovely and dim enjoyable colours.The music, womb sounds and animal noises are nice and peaceful too. Easily attaches with two strap clips to the cot. Great distraction/fun purchase for baby!


My 8 month old is mesmerised by the star projection, and it's nice to keep on during wind down time in the evening. However, the light is VERY bright and actually makes him more awake rather than sleepy! It also doesn't turn back on automatically when the baby cries, so I'm not sure about that function... The sound is nice - 6 alternating tracks. One of the tracks is a bit bizarre as it sounds like a baby crying which seems counterintuitive. Nevertheless, very pretty star projections, and I'm sure will work wonderfully as a night light in the future.


Great addition. Although the lights/noise only last 10 minutes it’s plenty of time to settle our little one. Did purchase thinking the automatic cry sensor would turn the music on as well as the lights but it doesn’t however, this doesn’t effect my overall thoughts. Glad I purchased.


By far the best investment for the nursery. Baby loves it. Has got auto shut down after 10 mins, lots and lots of tunes, and you can adjust the volume. Highly recommend.


Really good night light! My son loves the starts that project onto the wall!


Good product fast delivery 5+++++


Happy with my purchase

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