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For Attack on Pearl Harbor (PC), 5 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.2.

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When i first bought the game i was a little skeptical about the game as it looked like another generic WW2 pacific battle, but as you start the game, you have comic strips giving you a feel for the environment with the "gun-ho" of the American's to the honor and glory of the Japanese.This game is extremely easy to pick up and play for complete beginners whilst still giving action-packed adventure to veterans of WW2 combat. You control the plane with your mouse and determine your speed and other various instruments with the keyboard.Extending the game-time of this excellent game is the multiplayer feature where you and your fellow comrades can either go head to head in gigantic pacific theaters or opt for co-op mode and help bombarde enemy ports or facilities.Theres nothing better than flying in attack formation with japanese dive bombers or the american dauntless with your friends.Although it is only set in the Pacific Theater, many different scenarios, from the bombing runs of Iwo Jima, to the intense dogfights over Wake Island, you will have fun for a very long time!
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This is a game I enjoyed immensely! There is nothing quite like getting into the middle of ten or twenty enemy aircraft and having a really good scrap. It's dog-fighting heaven. The graphics are not top of the line but very acceptable, and the action just keeps on coming. Well worth the money, you'll love it.

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