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For Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (PS3), 21 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.6.

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I must admit, the first feedback from other people I had of this game were that it was repetitive and cutesy.I had played eternal sonata, and the cutesyness of THOSE characters got on my nerves. However, having never played an Altelier title before, I decided to give this one a try - and if it was bad, i would be warned off the series in future.I cannot compare this game to others of the series as i have not been lucky enough to have played them. So i will base this game on its own merits.GraphicsThe graphics are bright and colorful, maybe not 'up there' in terms of newer PS3 games, but appealing none the less. There are a few story scenes where a static picture of the character is used,similar to visual novel type games. The characters themselves are rather blocky, but this didnt detract from the gameCharactersThe characters are all likeable, there are many different characters to recruit for your party, and their special battle moves are really cute! The monsters also look like something Sanrio (hello kitty) would designStoryThe story is very basic, yet charming, and revolves around using materials and ingredients to fulfil townspeople quests to keep the workshop running. Depending on your actions, the story can also delve into the background and pasts of your party members.GameplayThe game plays a lot like Rune Factory ( a Harvest Moon type game that incorporates battling monsters as well). Similar to a harvest moon game, the player has 3 years to do various quests for the townsfolk to keep the workshop going. Every action takes time to perform, e.g it may take 2 days to synthesise an accessory. Because of this, time management is essential. It takes time to travel to areas to gather materials. The main character (rorona) levels up in two ways, alchemy/mix levels which determines what items she can create, and her battle level, which is needed when battling monsters in the field.If this sounds complicated, it really isnt. This game is a lovely way to unwind at the end of the day, and there is something like 14 different endings! You can do quests for townspeople and the characters of your party for special events, and also influences the endings.There are tons of things to do and places to go in this game, I was never bored for a second, in fact i wished it was longer! :p (although i got a good 25+hrs out of it for one playthrough - and there is a new game + option as well!)I found the story charming, and it gave me hours of enjoyment, so I rate it a 5 out of 5 :pIf you like harvest moon games, this is definitely for you, or if you are a more casual gamer or just someone that enjoys a fun gameplay, grab it now!
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So, another Atelier game has finally come out... It probably doesn't mean much to most people, let me inform you.The Atelier games follow alchemists, men and women who can manipulate elements and items to create a range of different foods, weapons, objects etc and this is no different.The game follows a young apprentice, Rorona who is under a rather uncaring master. Their workshop is being threatened with closure and it is up to Rorona to create enough items in order to prove to the king that it is in the kingdoms interest to keep it open, so far so good. She'll have the help of friends who will help her to battle her way through mines and forests to find items so that she can complete her quest.The story doesn't seem to be much more than this (although I am only about 6/7 hours in)and the plot doesn't really seem to thicken other than finding out that there are people who really want Rorona to fail. The characters are generally likable although a little childish and a little too girly. Their squabbles remind you of being back in a classroom with lots of kids.Graphically the game is brilliant, lots of nice, bright, colourful visuals, interesting people and monsters and lots of areas, they are only spoilt by the lack of exploration available.Unlike previous Atelier games, this is more similar to Mana Khemia Student Aliance. The game is based on a series of years and you must complete jobs in each year. This basicaslly involves fighting, obtaining items, synthesisng (creating items) and submitting them. You can also chose to do jobs for people which are usually fetch aned bring quests. The biggest problem is a lack of exploration. You chose where you want to go and you go, that is it. Whilst there are shops and the village square to visit, it is rather limiting.In terms of gameplay, the fighting is simple enough. Enemy has a go then player, then enemy and so on. You can hit, use specials (which use your own life points) and items. Its generally OK if not limiting. Fighting causes you to get better and stronger. Synthesising is the chance to create items. You need to use the right ingredients to create others, these can generally be bought or found. Simple enough, yes. It really doesn't become much more complicated than this. The only problem is that it can become repetitive. The music on the other hand is fab and really catchy but I guess this will depend on what you like.If you like japanese role play games, than you will probably like this but be aware that it doesn't have much of a story. I personally like it but it probably wont be to most peoples tastes.
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I want to start this review by saying that this game certainly isn't for everyone. If you're more into action and exploration games I really wouldn't recommend this. However if you're more interested in creating things, fulfilling requests (often under strict time scales and guidelines), a game with a 'relaxed' storyline and loveable characters this game is for you :). Though I'll admit it isn't the most exciting game, it is a lovely game that is easy to pick up and enjoy. It's the type of game you'd like to play on a lazy Sunday afternoon when you're tired of games like the Elder Scrolls and Tomb Radier and you just want a nice game that you can enjoy, have a few laughs with and just relax.I'm not saying the game is easy, it can be quite difficult and if you want to unlock every possible ending you're going to have to play through it a few times and keep changing your tactics until you manage this. Of course, the game isn't exactly a hard game either, it sits nicely in the middle :).The cell shading his gorgeous, as are the character designs and the environments. The music also really helps to compliment these factors, making the overall game very beautiful which adds to the nice relaxing feel you get from the rest of the game. I would really recommend this game, especially since it is also a playstation exclusive though I feel that either if it wasn't, you'd have to buy this game and add it to your collection anyway :).Again it isn't for everyone and I must admit I was skeptical about buying it as I thought it wasn't the type of game I would enjoy but I have been pleasantly surprised and I definitely don't regret buying this :)
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Since O'Connor has already given an overview of this game, I'll just say my personal opinion about it.I'll start saying that I'm a big JRPGs fan, even though I've never played an Atelier series game, so that's the first one for me.I usually don't like crafting, I have more fun defeating strong monsters in order to get rare items, instead of making them by myself. Atelier Rorona changed my mind: the game is all about synthesize items, but like I wrote in the title it's very addictive (I've finished the game yesterday, and I always had sessions at least of 3 hours), since you have always quests to accomplish before the deadlines,and to do that you also have to explore the different "dungeons".I found the story pretty simple but very well-told; the graphic and the musics are really lovely too, and the fact that you can choose between English and Japanese dubbing is an appreciated feature.So, why the 4 stars? That's because Atelier Rorona is a little different than the usual JRPGs, and while I was lucky to like it, it could not be the same if you're searching for some classic JRPG. But if you like the genre, and you're willing to try something that can be new, then Atelier Rorona really deserves a chance =)
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Great game I've only just started playing it but so far it's got a easy learning curve and very easy to get into would be a great game for people who have never played this type of game.


Bought as a present and was delivered well packaged on time and in good condition.Early days yet but so far it seems to be a very popular game.


Brilliant game, just as described in the description with quick arrival, pleasure doing business with you, hopefully we will again soon.


At first I was drawn aback by the sexual referances made towards teenagers in this game, but I eventually came around to enjoy it.


Maybe it's just me but I'm always attracted to these games and then get bored with them half way through and sell them on.


Good game, but you can still see it's their first game. You can see the ps2-ness, but still a good game


Good game but better seller.

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