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For Army Men: Soldiers of Misfortune, 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.3.

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This has to be one of the worse games I've ever had the misfortune of playing. I know Army Men games have never set the world alight with their gameplay, but this is a real low for the series and doesn't even feature any of the original charcaters or any of the fun custscences.The introduction to the game is basically a poor slide show which you read and then you go straight into choosing the first level, where instead of controlling a plastic green soldier you are controlling a kid called Timmy who is literatly 1 foot tall, with the aim of preventing his toy tan soldiers from taking over the world.The gameplay is like nothing I've seen before with clumply controls that are useless and repetive objectives that ask you to find various objects around levels,which are set inside Timmys 'giant' bedroom. The graphics and music aren't too bad and serve their purpose well, it is just a shame about the poor gameplay. Even the menu system is fauly, as it doesn't allow you to go back to main menu. This game is flawed and contains no fun elements. And if you enjoyed playing on previous Army Men games don't bother buying this as it has nothing incommon really, apart from the fact it features toy soldiers, which are hurrendous enemies in the case of Soldier of Misfortune.Avoid buying this game at all cost it has ruined a franchise beyond repair and is the worst army men game ever, I really don't know how a game so flawed and borring and fustrating made it onto shop shelves, I really don't!
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Bad game - poor graphics and bad gameplay. My 7-year old son played it and had problems getting through the first level. So I tried. It is very hard gameplay - I couldn't even get through the 1st level!!!The game needs an auto target system and the soliders you shoot at needs to fall over in one shot as the targetting system is poor even using the controller to aim. The use of the nunchuk make it very difficult to steer the character around and aiming is very hard.I is a very hard game.Awful game!!!! Sent it back.

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