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For Aqua Sphere Kaiman Junior, 319 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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My wife bought these on Amazon a few years ago, and though they started getting worn after frequent use, the material seeming to gradually turn more yellow, duller and less see-through (bleach exposure?), they served her so well that when the time came to get new ones, she bought exactly the same. Having tried them on a few times, I got a pair for myself too. Despite being labelled for "ladies", whatever styling they have that makes them so is very subtle, and they fit my eyes rather well, and so I couldn't see any reason to try something I didn't know.The headband adjusts quite easily and has a significant stretch to it that makes it a snug and secure fit. The plastic tabs you push to adjust the strap are probably the goggles'weak spot, however, and on my wife's original pair, one side broke, though the goggles still worked fine afterwards even if the strap could loosen a bit on its own accord.The fit is snug and waterproof, tight - if you want to - yet not uncomfortable as far as I am concerned, even if it feels like they are keeping my eyes a bit wider open than I am used to. This will vary a lot from person to person, of course.Despite being for ladies, the headband is big enough for almost any conceivable head size unless you're a giant, or someone with hair so massive you look like the aliens from "Mars Attacks" with a highly stretchable swimcap on. My hat size is about 59cm, and I still have a decent amount of strap to spare when I wear them.Whatever material and surface treatment they have been subject to, they don't seem to fog at all, which is an improvement on goggles I have many years ago that often needed to be rinsed to remove fog, leaving a bit of water inside that defeats at least some of the purpose of wearing them.From experience, these goggles can also double as protective goggles when performing tasks such as cutting and frying onions. For some reason, onions, just as they start frying, possibly also mixed with the gas from the hob as I never noticed anything when I used an electric stove, make my eyes water and sting almost as much as when we had to remove our gas masks in a small shed full of tear gas during my Navy days. With these goggles, I have been able to do it comfortably on several occasions. Cook onions, that is, not being exposed to tear gas, though I would think it might just work well for the latter too in the unlikely event that the need should arise.I would definitely buy them again.
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I have tried many goggles over the years but these are without a doubt the best. Unlike some major brands these googles are actually for women, not unisex, and as I have a narrow face they fit extremely snugly. They never leak and after a month still haven't fogged up (again a real change from the major brands which claim to be anti-fog but generally only last two or three swims). I wear contact lenses so it is essential I do not get water inside the goggles. Once on they are easy to adjust for a close fit, so much so that I can even dive into the pool with them on without them slipping back. And they look good on too! When I take them off I'm not left with huge indentations on my face.I am really pleased with the Aqua Sphere googles. Having spent years forking out money for Speedo goggles that never fit, are no where near as good quality, I only wish I'd come across Aqua Sphere long ago.
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So many goggles have been destroyed at my house... My kids go thru them like they are free. I have spent enough money on them that I was afraid to try again at this price. But man are these worth it. We have had 5 pairs (5 kids) live through the whole summer (with daily use) and they are still going strong. The kids love how they fit and how much nicer they are than the cheap ones.remember to tell who ever uses them not to put them on tight. These are just supposed to be tight enough not to let water in. Just loosen them all the way up, put them on so they almost feel like they aren't tight enough. Go under water, if water comes in, tighten once on each side.repeat if needed.Also put them on before you go in water, they will stay clear and not foggy. My kids love them. They are well worth the money. Oh, and we take them inside every time. No sun means they last longer too.
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I have used Aqua Spere goggles for the last few years. I always buy a new pair in time for the Swimathon that takes place in April each year. I swim regularly 3 times a week and swim 2miles each time I go. The goggles are excellent, I have never had a problem with them leaking or misting up. After a year I just like a change, i finish up the old ones by using them when we go on holiday. They get a bit more used and abused by mixing them with sun, sea, sand and sun cream! I usually buy my goggles from a recognised swim retailer. I just happend to be on Amazon and found a company called ' Top of the Cue' who were selling the same googles a lot cheaper than my usual supplier, with free delivery.I thought I would give them a try and was pleasently surprised when they arrived two days later just in time for this years Swimathon. Excellent service, thank you. :0)
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Having tried to find goggles that fitted me without much success, i was beginning to get annoyed. My last pair were a cheap £5 pair available at my local pool, when it came to replacing them i tried several times but newer pairs both cheap and more expensive (speedo) were just to small and felt like they were sucking my eyeballs out of my head - i wanted a larger size goggle to sit around my eye comfortably. Then i saw these and thought they looked just about right so took the plunge and ordered them. They arrived within a couple of days and i tried them out this week - joy oh joy no more sucking on my eyes, they kept out the water, didn't fog up and were comfortable and left no marks around my eyes.On the whole i think they are a great product and at a reasonable price too :-)
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I have tried many swimming goggles over the years and I always had trouble either keeping the water out, fogging up, or just hurting. It was frustrating. Then I read the reviews of Aqua Spheres for women and I thought might as well try another one. They are amazing. From the first time I put them on, they ere comfortable, no water leaking, and no fogging. The first pair that I don't have to stop in the middle of a work out and adjust goggles over and over again. I recommended them to my daughter and her's are on order. The case is an added bonus to carry them around when they are in the bottom of my duffle bag.


These are unquestionably the best goggles I've ever owned. After buying a succession of slightly cheaper goggles that always ended up leaking/fogging, I decided to give these a try. Every other pair of goggles I've owned has given me headaches and what felt like a permanent bruise around my eyes - and still ended up leaking, no matter how tight I made them. These goggles are magical and adhere to your face perfectly, even if the strap is quite loose (comparably). They are a very comfortable shape, and don't leak or fog up at all. Like I said - magic.


I finally gave up on my 20 year old speedos and decided to treat myself to a new pair.ComfortFrom the moment you put them on they are so comfortable you don't know you are wearing them. You can alter them very easily once on and after a 1 hour swim they hadn't moved at all.Anti FogThese were so clear for the full swim, never had to clear them once and was very surprised at what lies at the bottom of a swimming pool having never seen that clearly beforeRecommendYes I would certainly recommend for good quality, comfort and clear viewing


As per usual these are great quality.My daughter swims 3 times a week and these goggles fit her face really really well. She has tried other goggles and always compares them to these and won't use anything else.These will last a long time but I tend to change them every 6 months or so due to how much they get used.Anti fog is the same as any other brand. One or two swims and its pretty none existent but that is easily solved by using the cressi anti fog spray which we always have a bottle of ready.


I've been buying these regularly for about five years. I swim 3 times a week in a heavily chlorinated pool, so I have to replace them about every six or nine months. But until they start showing signs of wear, THEY NEVER LEAK AND THEY ARE AMAZINGLY EASY TO ADJUST. No messing with straps, you just pull them on each side, and just as easy to release, pull the little plastic flaps. I'll never try another brand! One other thing, because they fit so well, I never have the goggle marks around my eyes.


I wear contact lenses and so want goggles that I could wear that wouldnt leak.These goggles dont leak at all. I have used them when swimming under water in the swimming pool and they didnt leak one drop.The only slightly annoying (an amusing thing for others!) is that they do leave circle marks round my eyes when I have had them on for a while. Maybe I have them a little too tight, and should adjust them though.They do adjust fairly easily.


I've been swimming for more than 50 years, so I've bought a few goggles in my time and these are the 'best ever'. I'm quite petite and all the goggles I've ever bought have never fitted my face. I did try childrens once, but they were a little too narrow. These are specially made for ladies and along with the fit I could chose colour and tint - great! Oh and being the age I am, they don't make rings around my eyes that last all day. Fantastic!


I've bought these on the recommendation of a friend (and far more experienced swimmer) and they have been great so far, very happy with them.They came in a hard plastic casing which can be re-used, don't get "cloudy" with vapour and are quite stylish.. so in all 5 stars.Service from sellers (Denney Diving) was great - was sent an email saying goggles were being shipped within an hour of placing the order!


I am so happy with these goggles!! I have suffered with leaking goggles all year as I bought some zoggs Athena that I had used and found worked best but they changed the design and the new ones were really bad for me....I started to think I had weird eyes as they only leaked and so many types of goggles leak. But I am really really pleased with these, I can finally see the bottom of the pool! Thank you :)


It's clear to see and comfortable to wear than smaller Japanese swimming goggle. I've been using Aqua Sphere for 4 years, and bought 7 of them with my wife and daughter. We never complains about quality or visibility. Though, it it not robust than other swimming goggle. We buy this roughly about every other year each member of my family. I am satisfied and recommend it to other fitness swimmer like us.

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