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For Altitude Concorde: Limited Edition (Add-On) (PC), 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.3.

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For the price, this expansion pack is pretty good. I had it all loaded onto my PC in about 2 minutes, and, after a bit of fiddling with the graphics, I was flying concorde in no time. For the best results, I am using what they have called the 2D version of the plane. It has allowed me to keep the program running smoothly and in real time. The sound quality is very good and the afterburner/reheat effect is really rather, well, cool. Be warned though! This is a more complicated aircraft to operate than most already on flightsim 2004, chiefly due to pretty much EVERY switch in the cockpit being adjustable. So, don't be disheartened if it takes you a while to manipulate all the controls to actually even simply get those Rolls Royce Olympus engines fired up.Its well worth the effort when you work it all out. Over all, a pretty solid 8 out of 10 score from me.
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amazing product great service thank you

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