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There is no better feeling then being surrounded by all sorts of un-godly creatures and all you have to protect yourself is a movement detector, a comically oversized gun and a book of witty one-liners - "GET TO THE CHOPPER!" By chopper I mean Playstation, and by "get to" I mean casually sit down on the sofa.[...] were lucky enough to be one of the first to play Aliends Vs Predator (AVP) at the Asia Game show. And, well, if you read the pre-review, it wasn't very complimentary. I genuinely thought I was playing the 1999 PC version. I contribute this to poor lighting (of the arena, not the game, although...) and ridonkuously high expectations of a much loved genre. This ruined my pre-game experience,and killed the pre-release hype. Strangely though, when I got my hands on a final release copy, it didn't seem anywhere near as bad. This may be because I had prepared myself for a massive let down, to the point where pong would have satisfied me or Sega read my pre-review and did a complete overhaul. Considering our readership, probably the former.Rebooting the old format, the game is based around the international conglomerate Weyland Industries, a company which specialises in building human colonies on foreign worlds. Fans of the Alien series will be familiar with their quietly sinister mantra "building better worlds". All three story modes tie into each other and in some way end with a final Charles Bishop Weyland showdown. but before you get there, there are a multitude of missions you will need to complete for each species.The Marine missions are centred around a young recruit whose spaceship has been attacked by an unknown force (Predators) and crash landed on a human colony on the xenomorph planet. With most of his crew dead or scattered around as a result of the crash, the rookie (that's you) must make his way to safety. Guided by a surviving Vasquez/Anna Lucia like character who managed to make it into the security room, you must battle through aliens, alien mutants, cyborgs and a predator.The Marine missions are what this game is all about. Controls are pretty standard for an FPS which, as I'm sure you are aware, we like very much at Bluplay. Sega have maximised the amount of fun you can get out of blasting hordes on xenos (aliens) by giving you arsenal of ludicrously powerful guns. If precision is your forte, get a refund, because this is about survival in the most Hollywood way possible. Sega have managed to engineer fantastically the feeling of the `last ditch struggle' which is essentially being overwhelmed by an enemy, inexplicably drawing for a weapon and coming out the other end with only a scratch saying "you should see the other guy".Similarly, the predator missions start with a new recruit being taught how hack and slash by village elders. This consists of an untrained rookie being thrown into the woods on an alien planet and expected to destroy 3 fierce xenomorphs and earn a battle badge (like a boy scout badge without the molestation). Essentially this is training for you (the player) and the character. As the predator your primary objective is to hunt, you are on this planet purely for game. The predator's have been visiting the xenomorph planet for years, using it as a training ground for their young ones before they become a 'man' or whatever the equivalent to hitting puberty is in predator land. Basically it's a significantly less fun bar mitzvah. Your prey will principally be the aliens and the marines, and over time you will get caught up in the Weyland storyline.Controls for the predator are smooth. Harnessing his many attributes is fairly simple, and definitely much better with a controller (1999 version was about as ergonomic as a square football). The predator isn't about picking up oversized mini guns, he's about stealth and gory talon kills, which is perfect for a controller. Skulking around the jungle, you find the marines easy to kill. You can distract them by mimicking a human voice drawing out individuals for a brutal stealth kill, or you can pick them off from distance with your shoulder mounted laser gun. Both gloriously gory. Taking an alien out is slightly more difficult, and this where you see the predator's vulnerabilities. Predator's can use stealth mode and become invisible or use heat vision to see hidden enemies, both of these advantages are rendered useless against a xeno. The cold blooded xenomorph can see you when invisible and can't be killed with a couple slaps to the jaw, they need a solid slashing. Not a problem against one xeno, but we know they don't go to the local shops alone, they come in packs, and when they do, you're fuzzy ducked. I know what you're thinking, `use the shoulder blaster', this runs our quickly and takes time to recharge.Your best option against multiple enemies is to use the advanced jumping system to leap to safety. Pressing L2, you can choose where you want to jump too, which will give you a few seconds to re-group and pick off your enemies one by one.If I were to rank which three of the species was last enjoyable, xeno's would win hands down. Not to say that playing as the xeno is rubbish, just a bit boring at times and doesn't really compare to the other species. This may be slightly biased as I whole heartedly support the humans in any intergalactic battle in which we face extinction. The xeno's exist only to reproduce, they are rabid drones who fiercely defend their queen and brethren, this is pretty much where the xeno story ends. You're task is to defend yourself, reach the queen and develop a small amount of intelligence along the way. The fun here is how you decide to carve up humans and predators in your quest, which, at times, can be awesomely gruesome.Xeno's are probably the hardest to control of the three species. Your xeno is agile, it will be able to dash across terrain quickly without being seen. Much like the predator, stealth is your weapon, crawling across walls in the dark you can wait for your prey to move into a favourable position and launch your attack, ripping, shredding and burning (with acid) at will. The xeno also has a stealth mode that allows it to see hidden enemies and target them accurately. Moving the xeno around feels clunky, a bit like the first Half Life. When you take a step to the right the xeno takes two, and you find yourself compensating for this frequently.Online, the game is a straightforward deathmatch between all species. To make it fair you don't have a choice which species you play as, since some are better than others in this mode. The marine is heavily disadvantaged against his stealthy counter parts, which can be a major cause of frustration. The maps are large in part and you get to enjoy the same up close and personal gory attacks you get in the single player, which means so much more against another gamer.I've been waiting for a sequel or remake of AVP since the 1999 version, and I couldn't of been happier when I heard this bad boy was on the way. Having played it at the Asia Game Show, I was bitterly disappointed but upon playing the full version my doubts were quashed. Overall this is a good game and worth buying, but it won't blow you away. I understand that they wanted to stay true to the original but I would have been much happier with a full game based around the Marines, and left the xeno/predator missions as downloadable content. The Marine mission is the best part of the game and hugely disappointing when it's over, but with the storyline left on a cliff-hanger, I look forward to the sequel.
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All the reviews I have seen here and other websites are mixed. Reviewers like IGN are giving the game a low score. But is the game really fun? I think so. The reviews are wrong in my opinion. The graphics are great and the lighting effects add atmosphere. The three species have their own themes and are great fun. Multiplayer is awesome and the game can fit your different moods. Want to play as a U.S marine and shoot down a few aliens? Please feel free to do so. Wanna stalk someone in the shadows and have a hissing match with your buddies? The alien lets you do that easily. Ever felt the need to turn invisible and throw a spiky plate at someone? The predators got you covered.Plus you get some awesome insta-kill animations that kill your opponent and you are treated to a stomach turningingly gory demise. It makes you ooh as a predator rips out a marine's spine through his stomach with his head still attached, blood gushing everywhere. You will go ahh as an alien grabs its prey and goes om nom om on his head. But is it enough to be deemed an honourable trophy kill? Let's find out. (I've written a review about the single and multiplayer experience below but if it's too big then there's a good+bad point list below it.)::STORY::Aliens vs predator is based on the movie aliens vs predator (duh) and is the third FPS game based on the crossover movie. The game takes place on a distant planet where a company called Weyland-Yutani has settled. Turns out that Weyland, the founder of Weyland Yutani, has found some ancient predator ruins under the ground. Lucky Weyland is also fortunate enough to find a few aliens on the way. However, the aliens escape, the predators land to discover what the hell is going on, and some marines are sent to play a game of hide and seek...With guns. Big guns. Scary guns. But not too many guns, sadly, as the marine arsenal is limited. In the marine campaign, you play as the rookie, who is sent to Weyland Yutani to help clear out the bugs (aliens). Things go a bit pear shaped when you get knocked out, your team-mates leave you behind and aliens pick off the others that are still alive. The campaign is supposed to be scary but I really didn't get spooked much at all...but that may be because I survived the campaign in the middle of the day with all my teddy bears superglued to my face. The alien campaign puts you in the shoes (not shoes, per-say) of ''Number 6''. An alien that has shown certain talents and has peeked the interest of certain people. Then one day, an electrical fault frees you from your cell. Yipee! Freedom! However, it seems that the queen alien has your mobile phone number and texts you telepathically and tells you to do stuff. Ok, not so much freedom anymore, but you do get to escape your cell and kill a few humans on the way as you go about tending to your chores. You get to walk on walls though! Perfect for luring marines in for a quick and gory stealth kill. The predator campaign puts you in control of a predator that lands on the planet to find out what has happened to the youngbloods (young predators) and see what is happening on the planet. Predators have a large amount of technical gadgets and gizmos, such as almost perfect invisibility, thermal and alien tracking visions and things that go boom. Brilliant. Predators are also master ninjas, along with their cloaking ability, they can jump pretty high and far. All three campaigns are set in the same levels as each other, with a few tweaks to the map for the different species. The campaigns are short, but they are quite fun and prepare you for multiplayer.::MULTIPLAYER::You've gunned down every alien. You've appeased your queen. You've proven yourself as a true hunter. Now reload your guns, embrace the shadows and recharge your plasma caster. It's time for the true test.Multiplayer is AVP is very exciting. You have your run of the mill modes- deathmatch, team deathmatch, that kind of stuff. Unique to AVP are two modes- infestation and predator hunt. These two modes seem to be the most popular but there are plenty of people hosting other modes. Infestation if my favourite mode so far. You and your team-mates all start out as marines. At the end of the timer, one marine is chosen to be an alien. The alien has to hunt down the humans and pick em off one by one. If you get killed by an alien (or have an argument about the space between you in mid air and the ground) then you become an alien. If you're still human, you have to try and survive by staying with your group, not running out of ammo and paying attention to your surroundings instead of hitting each other with the butt of your gun. Pyramid is a good choice of map for infestation- the map changes around you. Blocked passageways become doors for your survival and doom and stairs rise up from the ground leading you to your friends and prey. Friend becomes foe and foe becomes friend in a matter of seconds as some noob decides that he can find the alien and kill it. The noob might find the alien but kill it? Nope. Predator hunt pits a bunch of marines against a lone predator. The predator has to eliminate the marines (if you die by a predator, I don't think you stay dead for the rest of the match) and the marines have to eliminate the predator. If a marine is lucky enough to kill the predator, then he becomes the predator. It's pretty fun, so check it out. There is also a mode for you left 4 dead fans- there's a survivor mode that's quite fun if you can find players for it. You play as marines (again) in a team of 4 who have to survive incoming waves of enemies. This is also fun- this is a mode if you want to team up with your friends and pump lead into those pesky aliens. There are a few bad points to multiplayer though- if the host has a bad connection, most of the time you could lag (unless your connection prevails). If the host leaves, then the match ends. If a host is a noob and can't change game settings, then things can become unbalanced and not fun. Sometimes a player can be an 7 or 8 year old. It can be fun if your evil (not many 8 year olds can understand the game) and you could get a few easy level ups or moments out of them (really, stop being so mean!) but that might backfire if the 8 year old is the host. It looks like 8 year olds know how to ragequit.Good points!:Enjoyable 3 campaigns:Awesome multiplayer:Good graphics:Epic stealth/finishing moves:Each species has it's own special ability- walking on walls or invisibility for example:A must play for fans of the film:Fun maps (DLC out now):Great if you want a break from other games such as COD or any other standard FPS.Bad points =(:Short campaigns:A few problems with multiplayer:Might not appeal to everyone because it isn't like a 'normal' shooter.:Special editions are quite expensive (this was correct at the time of publishing this review):Predators are slightly overpowered if your a 'disk/spear spammer':Many people think marines are underpowered.!Final verdict!Aliens vs predator is an amazing game. Good graphics, super gameplay and overall an awesome game. If your a fan of the AVP films, then this is for you. If you like climbing on walls to reach your prey, then this is for you. If you like having fun, hanging out with friends and ripping a few spines out is a good idea to you, then this is definitely for you.Score- 4 out of 5.
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Two classic sci-fi horror foes and some marines get thrust into a game that not only remains faithful to both franchises, but is a great game to play online and offline.The solo campaigns allow you to pick one of the three types of character: a marine, an alien or a Predator. Here's a little snippet of what each of the three can do:MARINE:You play a rookie human marine and you get a waypoint to your next mission objective. You start off with just a pistol (that has infinite ammo -- the only weapon that does), but later on you can pick up other weapons that featured in the Aliens movie, such as the pulse rifle and flamethrower (there are others, but I'll leave them as a surprise).Hardcore fans of the movies will be elated to hear that the pulse rifle sound effect (as well as the screeches from the Aliens themselves) has been taken directly from the movie, which adds to the atmosphere and you really feel pumped when you hear that familiar sound as you try to wipe out your ever-advancing foe. You can also turn on a flashlight to illuminate the darkness, but this in turn means that you can be more easily seen by the enemy. And the horror in Marine mode comes not only from the darkness, but also from the tell-tale blips on your motion tracker (again, the sound has been taken from the film)! You also have the challenge of not killing an alien that's too close to you because of its acidic blood.ALIEN:In this mode, you have the ability to dash along the walls and even the ceiling, as well as your general movement being a lot faster (which is good, as the Alien does not carry guns!). You can also do stealth kills and other CQ techniques as well as general melee combat. The agility of the alien even allows you to jump straight to a pillar or ceiling or jump straight towards a close-enough target. It should be warned that the Alien is quite a specialised character, so expect to have to work at this little blighter to get good with its capabilities. You can even press a button to hiss to try and lure your unsuspecting foes into a trap!PREDATOR:Your melee weapons are the claws on your wrists, and you can get the laser cannon that you saw in the Predator movie, as well as these buzz-saw discs and a spear that you can throw at your foes (but you have to be accurate). And of course the Predator has its cloaking ability to make it harder to see from a distance, and its thermal vision helps it to spot marines. Like the alien, it has other unique CQ techniques. Predators can fake a human voice as a distraction to guide an unsuspecting human to another part of the scenery where they can be picked off more easily.The campaigns all have four difficulty settings (and on the hardest one you get absolutely NO checkpoints and must do the entire mission without dying to avoid going back to the start of that one!). There are also some hidden collectibles (a bit like the COG tags in Gears Of War); the marine missions have audio diaries, the predator ones have trophy belts and the aliens have royal jelly canisters that must be destroyed.The multiplayer modes (which can only be done across a LAN or online) are as follows:SURVIVOR: You are a Marine and play alongside up to three other Marine players and try to hold your own against wave after wave of aliens of increasing difficulty.DEATH MATCH: Get more kills than the other players within a set time limit.PREDATOR HUNT: One player is the Predator, the rest of you are Marines. Whenever a Marine kills the Predator, that Marine becomes the Predator.INFESTATION: Similar to Predator Hunt, only one of the players is an Alien. Whenever the Alien player kills a Marine that Marine becomes an Alien and must try and kill the other Marine players.SPECIES DEATH MATCH: Three teams (one consisting entirely of Marines, another of Aliens and another of Predators) try and get the most kills within the time limit or reach a certain score.MIXED SPECIES DEATH MATCH: Two teams in which the members can be a mixture of the three species. Otherwise, this is the same as Species Death Match.DOMINATION: Two teams try and keep control of control points (this works much the same way as the Domination modes in other FPS games like the Modern Warfare games, only the different abilities of the three species add a unique twist to it).The multiplayer modes are fab, and anyone who gets tired of MW2 or COD players "camping" or "noob-tubing" (proliferation of grenade launcher kills) will be pleased to know that there is very little, if any, chance of that happening in this due to the abilities of the three species. There may not be the same kind of add-ons for guns that you get in other FPS games, but this is still a great game.Some people thought the graphics weren't that great. While they're not quite up to GOW2 standard, they're far from awful, and the atmosphere of the franchises has been captured perfectly. The sound, as I mentioned before, is excellent and adds to the experience.The controls are pretty much as you would expect from an FPS (save for the fact that you cannot aim down the sight of most of the guns, but in all fairness this is not essential to this game). You can sprint and jump, you can use the D-pad to select weapons (unless you're an alien), and there are the various abilities of the species that make each mode unique.My only real criticisms are (a) the alien's transition mode (going from floor to wall or ceiling) can occasionally become confusing and disorientating and doesn't always happen as smoothly as you would like; and (b) the alien and predator campaign plots aren't that great compared to that of the marine.However, as a licensed product and as a great FPS in its own right, this is a triumph, and both Sega and Rebellion should pat themselves on the back for coming up with such a great title. Even if you're fed up with the seemingly endless flurry of shooters coming out, this one is different enough from the rest to warrant a look.
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and everywhere and suffice to say I started to fear the worst - no worse than that: I started to fear a gaming equivalent of the AVP films *shudders*. However there is one rather large problem with so called professional reviews for me and that is I just don't trust `em, I've wasted a sizable chunk of change on supposed "10/10 gems" because of the hear say of some spotty ign reviewer and well over half of them have been total guff. So I thought `sack it, I'm just gonna bite the on this one and grab a copy.' I enjoyed the PC incarnations and I liked the movie franchises (separately that is, as I noted before the whole `vs.' angle has, so far, been dropped on it's head since childhood) so why not.So here's a list of whys and why nots which will hopefully guide a few people with more trust in reviews than yours truly.THE GOOD STUFF:* - This is probably news to no one but it does bear repeating: there are three very different takes on the fps genre in here which lends very nicely to the level of variety in the gameplay.* - The graphics are not even a quarter as bad as the reviews have been saying and with everything that has gone into it I think they're rather spiffy. Lighting effects are atmospheric, models are authentic and move as expected and everything runs very nicely indeed, fair enough it's not absolutely top end but it's absolutely nowhere near bottom rung either.* - The sound is great, all the film whizzes and bangs are on show and add massively to the already abundant atmosphere. Job well done.* - The storys are nicely interwoven and you get a real sense of narrative scale across the three.* - The death moves, particularly some of the predators spine rippers, are eye bogglingly disturbing...in a cool sort of way.* - (ALIEN, PREDATOR OR MARINE?) Each section of game has some great little touches and they are as follows: With the marine it's the authentic weapons and tech, tight fps mechanics and the jumpy atmosphere. With the Alien it's the rogue intelligent alien `Number 6' story line that grips you and the tactical use of darkness that really sets the gameplay apart, not to mention the roof crawling antics - every surface is your sneaky walkway to death: sweet. Now before we get to the predator I've heard a few people moan that the alien is too hard to control, to those people I say `practice makes perfect' and about half an hour practice is all you'll need - if you've been playing games long enough this should be a breeze and people online scuttling around and performing deaths from every angle are more than testament to this theory. Finally the predator has precision jumping from roof/tree to roof/tree, awesome tech and that honourable hunter who will tear your face off and play Frisbee with it feel to it, not to mention invisibility sneakiness and melee weapons to literally die for! Like I said before: great variation and it all works well.* - online is a blast, there are tons of people playing it and whether you're just death matching it or your up for a bit of hunter/hunted action in marines vs. a single predator in the jungles you're sure to dig it. With a nice ranking system and lots of unlockable skins you can't loose! Well you can but you'll still have a blast!* - Different hidden collectables on each level for each species make for a nice little distraction from the action.* - controls are tight and button layouts work well and considering there's so much each race can do different from the others there is a great sense of commonality across the three which works to your advantage when mixing it up online!* I've not fully completed the single player campaign yet which means it's decent length and challenge cause I haven't been off this bad boy since I bought it - thank the gods the wife's away this weekend!* - voice acting from Lance Henrikson is sweet as can be!THE NOT SO GOOD STUFF:* - The marine story isn't as jumpy and scary as the one in AVP2 on PC but that may be down to me growing up a little and not being as easily shaken. However it seems to be more down to sound and although it mostly works well there have been a few moments which where obviously meant to freak you out but there just wasn't the necessary umph! If you catch my drift.* - Not all three gameplay types might be everyone's cup of tea - however this is where online comes in, just complete the game, find out who suits you best and go whup some rear ends with them the world over! Yay!* - The grab moves and sneak grab moves are cool in single player but a little overly powerful online - be sure to pay attention to your radar when you're a marine or your gonna be seeing more metal predator blades and alien tails sticking through your chest than Lance Heriksen!* - It's addictive and will eat your time like delicious biscuits if you let it, good job it's winter and too cold to be bothered doing anything but getting a TV tan.* - people who didn't grow up with aliens and predator may not get as many kicks or as much out of if in the way of fan service and nods to the series as people who did.CONCLUSION:I for one oppose the harsh reviews this game has been given, it's a great homage to the films and filled to bursting with variety, atmosphere and gruesome antics that will make any ardent Alien or Predator fan grin like a mad chimp, plus the gameplay is tight and above all interesting. In a world of humdrum `realistic' war shooters that everyone seems to want to hold every other FPS up to AVP comes as a hugely refreshing change. I like it a lot, and aside from a few minor inconsistencies that drag it down I highly recommended it. This is one I'll definitely be busting skulls online with for a long, long time to come. Great stuff - come and join me!
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I am actually quite surprised with this game and it has proven to be better than I expected. For me I have found that this game got better as I played it more. It has three different main campaigns which are Marine, Alien, and Predator (this was the order I played them in) and each has a unique and different feel to them with a solid plot to keep you gripped. If you play through the Marine campaign as the first campaign you may feel like there is nothing more to the game than just the generic shooter but once you start playing the Alien and Marine campaigns, which can be played through in any order you wish, you will see that the game has a lot more to offer in terms of the feel,playability and experience.The marine campaign was quite enjoyable and the feeling you get from this campaign is a very deep and atmospheric experience. The motion tracker which the marines use to detect movement from hostiles such as Alien and Predator species is just spot on from the movies. This is just one of the features of the game which adds to the realistic feel, suspense, and atmosphere. Rebellion, the developers of the game have really got the sound, atmosphere and effects of the Alien movies spot on. Everything from the character and specie designs to the sound effects just sound so correct. The combat is pretty limited as you will be mostly relying on your firearms instead melee combat to tackle the scary beasts. You have a fair selection of firearms at your disposal including the well known Pulse Rifle which I became aware of from the 1986 Aliens movie. There are a few other things which add to the overall experience of the Marines campaign such as the Flashlight which in a way gives this campaign a survival horror feel and adds to the suspense and tension.The Alien campaign allows you to play a standard Alien who receives the not so unique 'Number Six' as you escape the confines of your cell and begin to follow the orders of the Queen from the Hive, and reclaim superiority over the Human and Predator race. The Alien campaign was quite fun to play but I felt that the movements and controls for the Alien character were a bit awkward and weren't friendly. The character moved too fast and scaling walls and ceilings did seem to be confusing at times. This, however doesn't diminish too greatly the enjoyability of this campaign. A good thing about the Alien campaign is that health can be regenerated over time so if you take cover and you're out of enemy sight, your health will come back slowly. This makes sense since Aliens cannot really absorb health from an external source like Marines and Predators can. As with the other campaign storylines this was also fairly gripping but not very memorable. I think the Alien campaign is played more for the experience and less for the plot.And finally, the Predator campaign which I have recently finished. I have to say this was a pretty enjoyable campaign and most likely the best one out of the three. The experience of this campaign was the most enjoyable due to certain gadgets and weapons that are given to you. The Predator specie has a cloak ability which enables them to become invisible and hence you can perform a more stealthy on your foe. There are a choice of four weapons and gadgets which are obtained as you proceed through the game. They are Proximity Mine, Combi Stick, Plasma Caster, Smart Disc, and the standard Wristblades. Some of these will pack a punch when there are a gang of Aliens attacking you and you need to utilise something more capable of taking down multiple targets. I quite liked the Combi Sticks when the dealing with the Combat Androids as they instantly exploded on impact. The Predator specie also allows you to make use of the Vision Modes that allow you to see certain targets that are either Human or Alien, which kind of makes the Predators the true hunter race. I'm glad I left the Predator campaign to last because it was the best for me. Playing the others last may have impacted my view of the game in general.As with various other elements of the game I still need to discuss them. First off, the graphics are of a high standard and there is a lot of detail in the Alien universe. Everything is represented in an accurate way and it feels right to the movies. The controls are intuitive and easy to get used to despite the slight disappoint with the Alien campaign controls. All three have a decent to solid storyline which makes each of them feel like you're playing a different game. The soundtrack wasn't very memorable to me but the sound effects were really good and added to the overall experience.The final part of the review covers the multiplayer aspects of the game. The multiplayer sides has a standard multiplayer with several different modes such as Mixed Species Death Match, Death Match, Domination and so on. There are also 8 maps to play on with your friends or random people. Multiplayer would be great for me if any of my friends had a PS3 with the game. I have been so fond of multiplayer but still just play to experience it and to just give it a go. It was fun but these days it can be difficult to find enough players to play with in a random ranked match.The overall game was surprisingly good and I have heard terrible things about another game called Aliens: Colonial Marines which I will play in the foreseeable future to see how bad it is. This one however is definitely worth a try and has aged a bit so you can pick it up for a cheap price. Give it a try!
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Aliens v Predator is developed by Rebellion who made the original Alien v Predator game back in 1999. The game is three games in one as you can play as a space marine, an alien or a predator. The game has received some fairly bad reviews but I think it is a great game. I wonder if this is due to misplaced nostalgia. I've never played the original but have tried Alien v Predator 2, the follow up from 2002 - I did not play much of it as it is very dated and unconvincing on a modern widescreen. I thought the new game was great - the marine campaign was pretty tense and scary and used some really good weapons such as the smart gun which was a light machine gun with an autolock tracking function,and a high powered rifle where the scope could detect hidden enemies. The action was a mix of run and gun and stealth in some places. The marine is armed with a motion tracker which pings as it detects enemies approaching like in the film Aliens. I felt this increased the tension nicely. The Predator campaign was completely different as you are the hunter not the hunted and use high tech gadgetry to track and ambush marines. The animations of certain stealth kills are extremely gory which I believe got the game banned in some countries. The Alien campaign was different again, showing a slightly fisheye view of the world. The Alien you play can move incredibly quickly and climb walls and ceilings. You hide in the dark and jump out on unsuspecting victims. I enjoyed all three campaigns but do agree with other reviews that they are a little short and lacking in story. The Marine and Predator campaigns are about six chapters long and the Alien campaign slightly shorter still. All are very linear but I did not really care - this is Aliens v Predator which I play for the excellent gameplay not a deep meaningful story. The game also includes multiplayer but I cannot comment on this not having played it.I originally played the game at 1920x1200 resolution on a GeForce GTX 285 with a Core i7 920 DO and 6GB DDR3 RAM. There are two executables, one for dx9 and the other for dx11. I used the dx11 executable even though my graphics card is only dx10 compatible. I do not really understand why but if you run the dx11 executable in this way the game plays using the dx10 api, a fact which is confirmed on the video options screen. The dx11 specific features such as tessellation are disabled but I found the performance slightly better than using the dx9 mode. I played everything on maximum settings except for turning off ambient occlusion. I normally turn this off as it reduces the framerate considerably and visually I cannot see much difference it makes. With vsync enabled the game ran extremely smoothly at an average framerate close to the sixty frames per second cap. Even in the very frantic combat scenes with aliens moving at the speed of light there were not any stutters or slowdowns. I thought the graphics looked extremely good - textures were detailed, lighting was beautiful, colours were very rich and character models looked realistic. One peculiarity in the video options is that anti-aliasing is only available for dx11 enabled cards which seems strange as it is not specific to this new api. However playing at 1920x1200 I did not notice any jaggies so did not bother trying to force it on in the graphics card drivers. Another area I was very impressed with was the sound quality which was very clear and helped with the atmosphere, and the voice acting which I thought was good although some have criticised it. Bishop from the original Alien film appears as the boss of the Corporation suffering the Alien infestation and it is the original actor who does the voice.I replayed the game after switching to a Radeon 5870 which can handle dx11. I turned on tessellation which gives the aliens in particular a more rounded look. However the game looks so good in dx10 already the difference was barely noticeable. I experimented with antialiasing but the performance hit was huge and as I mentioned earlier the jaggies are barely noticeable anyway. I settled for no antialiasing, full tessellation and ambient occlusion and the game ran smoothly at 60 fps with no stutters or hitches.Overall I found this game extremely enjoyable so have given it a high score. One very minor niggle I have is that you cannot quick switch weapons using the mouse wheel which seemed strange. I have recently been replaying Doom 3 from 2004 which still looks quite good on a modern PC. The marine campaign reminded me of this as it is dark, atmospheric and very scary but is linear and lacks a great story. If like me you quite like the occasional game such as Doom 3 I suspect you will like Aliens v Predator also. Yes the campaigns are a bit short but remember there are three of them so as a package I thought they provided good value for money without even bothering with the multiplayer component.Hope this helpsUpdate: I've installed a second Radeon 5870 to run a Crossfire set up. I can now cope with high levels of antialiasing but it honestly does not improve the visuals noticeably.
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Ok to begin this is a really good game. If you're a fan of the respective franchises it pays homage too, in this case the original Predator and the first two Alien movies (it may include the others and I liked number 3 but I digress) The game is set far away from the awful movies scenarios and swaps out the insufferable and uninteresting teens for cool Colonial Marines from Aliens and if you wanted humanity to be caught in the middle of these two species then they better have weapons and of course, they do.Much like the original AVP game made by Rebellion you get 3 campaigns for each species and a whole multiplayer mode based around you choosing a race and getting involved in battles with others online.Sadly at the time of writing this dedicated servers are having issues (they were not made ready for launch apparently) so you'll have to get your kicks in single player first until they're up and running.Thankfully the single player is great fun and the game does a great job of making you feel like the respective characters. You have the tense vulnerability and destructive firepower of the marine, the savage and advanced technology of the stealthy Predator and the feral brutality of the Alien (extra set of jaws included). Little note to the adults this game is violent, really violent. Trophy kills for the Preadator and sneaky decapitations performed by the Alien can be a little extreme so make sure minors are out of range for this one (There's an 18 label on this for a reaspon). Each species is great fun to play as and are naturally very different the campaigns also give you the chance to do what you want with these characters (break out and cause havoc as an Alien, hunt both races with thermoptic camouflage on as the Predator and pretty much run and gun with the iconic pulse rifle). There is also a fun survivor mode added too which can be played both online and offline, here you play as a Marine and you attempt to fend off wave after wave of Aliens of varying classes. Yeah you've probably played these a hundred times before but this time you get to do it with a pulse rifle. There have been many criticisms that this game uses unoriginal thinking in its game design which I can see but let's face it there's a checklist of things you want to do as these characters which games have tried to emulate since the nineties so the chances are you've played like this before in other games but like I said before this is a game for the fans of these respective characters and for us this game is the game we've been waiting for so naturally déjà vu is gonna' be with you.There are six modes for multiplayer which allow you to try your hand at capturing control points in domination and there is also infestation which sees a random team member spawn as an Alien who recruits a new alien to his team each time he or his new friend kills a Marine. Sadly only 6 maps are given with this game which isn't very much and only two are available for survival modes. Thankfully they are good quality maps so it's a case of quality over quantity although sour grapes will abound with net nerd fury when the first wave of DLC for this game comes out containing the maps that should have been in this game with a neat little price tag attached to them.Then of course we have Steam the game providing network which also provides the dreaded DRM for modern PC games. Steam is unavoidable and you must have it to play. Yes I too miss the way PC games used to be but this is the way the industry is now you can thank piracy for draconian protective measures and please don't post any debates about DRM on this review it's an old subject now and it's boring to discuss things that won't change. PC game providers need to protect their products even if it means the customer will complain about their methods. Besides Steam is free and the game will patch itself saving you googling patches. The game did take quite a while to download due to an error in the downloading process and also because of the sheer number of people downloading at the same time as me (Steam servers aren't big but they do get the job done eventually). Most of the game is not on the discs you have but is provided by Steam as a download as soon as the discs authorize that you have bought the product, again this is the way of the PC game industry you can't part exchange your old PC games anymore so if you're buying a game like this be sure it's defiantly what you want. For those of you with very slow internet this may be an issue as the download is approximately 14GB for the complete game. I'm not sure how much is on the discs but it won't be a lot plus the game must patch as well so patience is advised.The end result is worth it and I thoroughly recommend you play this game if you're a fan of these characters and those movies. If you're a fan of the AVP movies you may also get a kick out of it similar to the thrill of watching the fight bits in those pretty awful movies. So in conclusion buy it be patient and have fun, it's a great game and well worth the effort.
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I was really eager to get my hands on this game - lets face it, the very thought of being able to play the part of three of the most iconic movie characters of all time is an incredible opportunity.I went straight in as the predator and I was amazed first by the story line and then by the level of graphics in this game. The predator has some incredible technology. Fans of the movie will enjoy using his heat signature tracking, his cloaking and laser targeting. There are also some real nice touches like being able to mimic the marines voices to lead them into a trap. I think this is probably the best predator experience I have played so far.There is no denying that the way the predator moves - leaps - and targets enemies is authentic to the movies and the death moves are fantastic to watch.Playing as the Alien is a slightly different affair. Raised in a test tube before managing to escape you receive messages from the hive and the queen on what to do. One of the best things about this games design is the way the tutorials are seamlessly weaved into the gameplay for each of the characters and each has their own story line which overlaps with the others. As the Alien your tutorial is their process of trying to domesticate you. I thought The Aliens movements were totally authentic and the death moves have to be seen to be believed. I thought the controls for the alien were polished but a little disorientating. You can run on the ground or on the ceilng but sometimes this ability seemed to turn on and off at will. Still the speed at which you can run through the corridors is incredible.To truly witness the suspenseful nature of this game though requires you to play through as the marine. Tough yet able to stand his ground with sheer firepower the marine missions is where I witnessed the full levels of this game. All that toughness though only barely manages to even the odds. I played the game with the lights off and there were some scary scenes which had me jumping. The majority of the stages are just so dark and eerie I found my racing the second I heard the tracker beep that there was an alien presence nearby. It is here that I found the storyline most engaging.In terms of criticism I found the whole game way too short. There is just not enough of the game to play. I went online but in my view I found it only marginally better. There are also some niggling faults with online play. The game modes are good but I found it took me too long to get started and once the match is over it takes you back to the main screen without offering a chance to do a rematch. There also arent enough stages to play on. The cost of buying more stages as download content I thought was a little cheeky when there just could have been more of the game to start with.Taken as a whole though I think that this game still has lots to offer - the action, the sounds, the moves and the content of this game are very authentic and entertaining. There is no denying that this game both looks and plays well. Once there is a reduction in price this game should definitely be on you hit list. There are bound to be cynics who compare this to other first person shooters out there but I for one could only take so many missions in war torn areas before I wanted a change of scenery. This game offers an opportunity to do just that. And what a great opportunity it is. Check it out.
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AVP is here on consoles at last.... I for one couldnt wait, being a big fan of the franchise and old PC games I longed to play them on my nice next gen consoles... so here it is.... was it worth the wait?MMMM thats hard to answer, the gamer in me screams no!! but the 80's child who always will love to play as a Predator or an Alien or with a Pulse Rifle says YES!Ill start with positives, most important I am enjoying playing it very much, its very atmospheric the 3 campaigns entwine nicely, so you can start as a marine play first level, then choose the alien and see how the aliens escaped ect. Then when ur done that level go back to Marine or start Predator.The sound effects are spot on,from the Pulse Rifles short controlled bursts to the weird Alien scream , it all adds to make you think ur in a Aliens or Pred movies.The MP now works fine getting into games after just a few seconds, much better maps on show, the temple from the first AVP film is an interesting map. Lots of game modes, species DM is my fav so far.The co-op survival mode is 4 player on line and is quite manic, think of the scene in Aliens where the marines first encounter the Aliens you are about there... "wheres the sarge"Playing as the predator and, sitting in a tree in a jungle as a predator watching marines in thermo vision feels so cool ....."anytime"Alien campaign is a brilliant stealth game with some rooms feeling a bit like Batman AA, sitting in the rafters wait for some poor marine to walk under the wrong vent.Marine is a pretty good standard FPS, not amazing but has pulse rifles in it !!!And if your a fan of the movies I think you will find it hard not to find enjoyment in AVP..BUT......It is far from perfect game and wont change any critics minds...First big problem the graphics they are really bad, not enough to ruin the game for me, but some textures and models are truely awful. If your a graphics whore just dont go near AVP, its not PS2 quality graphics like some smart ar$e is bound to say, but there are much better looking games out there, shame cause PC AVP games at the time where beauties.The MP i find great fun, but the insta kills with the alien are still very hit and miss.The campaigns dont appear to be very big ive played for 2-3 hours, a bit of each of the 3 campaigns and have done 29 % of the game already.In short AVP does very little new and there are much better FPS out there,................ but not with everyones favourite battling aliens in it.With this in mind I love this game and really enjoying it and will def be a keeper, but its is certainly not to everyones taste.There we go just thought I would share my feelings that are not based on MP demo. If you really hated the demo and could think of one good thing to say about it , then the finished game will not change ur mind.I was torn between giving it 3 or 4 stars, the gamer in me says its bad graphis ect cant let me give it 4 stars but I am enjoying it more than a typical 3 star game.BUT If you fancy a very atmospheric trip down the memory lane of two of the best sci films ever created then look no further !So to anyone on the fence about this I would give it a go they got the feel and atmos of the movies perfectlyhope this helps...
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AvP was hyped up as a revolutionery new game, and it isn't. Game magazines and sites slated it for that reason, but they were way too harsh. True, it doesn't offer much in the way of new elements, but it is fun and immersive, and all said, that's what's important to most gamers.The game is split into three exciting but unfortunately short campaings:The marine campaign will be familar territory to any First Person Shooter fan. What makes it stand out is the ferocious enemies. An alien won't always charge blindly at you. It scuttles along walls at lightning speed. You fire a burst at it, but it avoids your bullets by clambering onto the ceiling. You fire on full automatic as it bears down on you,ready to rend you with deadly claws and teeth, but to make things worse, one of its companions has flanked you and is crawling onto the catwalk, ten feet behind you... That's the kind of action that will keep you on edge throughout the campaign. The only thing that dissapointed me about the marine campaign was the small selection of weapons -you only acquire 5, including the pistol you begin the game with. They all handle well, but 5 guns in a modern FPS? The original Doom back in the early 90's had more than five guns, so there's really no excuse!Playing as the alien, you can utilise these tactics to the full, striking swiftly and retreating into the darkness. Spending half the time upside down or on walls can be a tad disorientating at first, but you'll learn to become an efficient killer and come to love the unmatched mobility of the beast. Marvelous fun, let down by one appalling oversight -complete lack of progression. That's right -from the time you start to the time you finish the story, the alien does not acquire a single new attack or ability. Just unbelievable. There is even other aliens in the game that spit projectile acid. Can you learn how to spit acid? No. Shocking stuff, I know.The predator campaing should perhaps have been the most fun, but is the weakest of the three campaigns because the controls for him are a bit clunky. for example You can point exactly at where you want to jump to, to a signifigant distance and height, but pulling this off in the heat of combat is messy and will as often as not get you killed.The graphics, particularely the textures, take away from the game, but are made up for by good atmostphere that will appeal to any fan of the Alien universe. You enter a gloomy, vaulted engine room and your motion detector starts beeping like crazy. You'll be searching the shadows desperately for your foes as they close in on you. The sound is excellent. Replay value is average, mainly because the campaigns are so damned short. I'll play it through a second time on hard setting, and then move onto multiplayer, which is meant to be quite good. Even the games experts agreed on that.In summary the game is good, but it could easily have been so much better. My guess is that the develoment team ran out of time, or money, because what I see is a short unfinished game, with stupid flaws that could have been easily fixed. Alien vs Predator badly needed another few months in the development tubes. It's just a crying shame that didn't happen.
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AvP does a lot of things right but unfortunately does a few things wrong as well. The single player is split into three parts and lets you play as all three participants in the ongoing war.For the humans you play as a rookie marine as he fights his way through forboding corridors and other clichéd horror movie environments. This is my personal favourite of the campaigns as they have nailed the Alien movie feel with motion sensors bringing the "beep of impending doom" and pulse rifles feeling just right.As for the predators you play as, well.... a predator, the story and setting for this campaign is the same as the others but its story is very much an afterthought.Playing as the predator is mainly a stealth affair and these sections are by far and away the best part of AvP, dropping down and removing the spine of an unsuspecting marine then dissapearing as if you never existed is just plain awsome. This campaign however is flawed by some inconsistent A.I. (this however only occurs if they see you if you remain hidden you will find the A.I. fine) and fighting aliens in the early parts of the game is just plain irritating.The worst campaign by far is the alien as you are an unthinking one of millions trying to fight as a solo stealth killing machine. The Alien is just not suited to a good single player experience so the less said about it the better.The multiplayer is in one word schizophrenic you will go from being an unstoppable force to being target practice this is not due to balancing issues as the game is more blanced than most it is due to the truly abysmal matchmaking system you will generally get into a game that either has 10 predators vs 2 alins and 1 human and the team with 3 people on it is obviously at a disadvantage, this is if you can withstand the 20 min wiat to get into most ranked games. Rant Over. Assuming they patch this the multiplayer is awsome every species has strengths and weakness' such as the alien has no ranged attack but is so quick it can easily sneak up behind a predator or a human and stick its tail up it's arse. The predator can pick up several 1 hit kill ranged weapons and if you stand still you will find yourself with a predator spear stikin out of your head from an invisible predator hiding in a tree. however they have several weakness' such as they do not spawn with and ranged weapons they have to pick them up leaving them vunerable after spawninf as aliens can see through the invis' or a human will gun you down if you are foolish and go close enough to be spotted by a movement sensor. The humans are suprisingly well balanced as the are very strong from the front as they spawn with a good gun in the shape of a pulse rifle and can pick up very powerful guns such as the auto targetting smart gun and can generally win in a straight up fist fight as they can block fast attacks.in conclusion this game has a flaws (the largest being the matchmaking) but when you get a good game you feel exactly how you wanted to feel ever since you saw the alien or predator films which is all i wanted from this game. (i give it 9/10 assuming it will be patched to improve matchmaking if it is not it is a 7/10 as it is so rubbish at the moment)
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Der Review ist meiner Meinung nach sehr einseitig geschrieben. Das Spiel ist schlichtweg fantastisch! Nach 1 bis 2 Patches, die STEAM sich selbst organisiert, läuft das Game unter DX11 wie eine Granate. Grafik ist mit der von Metro2033 vergleichbar. Tesselation, Kantenglättung, Anisotrope Filterung - alles an Board. Ich spiele mit einer Aufösung von 1920x1200, alle Grafikregler auf Anschlag und 2facher Kantenglättung, und ich habe selten ein so schönes Spiel gesehen. Einige Level wie der Tempel sind glattweg malerisch!Der Sound ist großartig, die Musik spannend mit Höhepunkten. Die Marine-Missionen sind sehr gruselig gehalten und können in ihrer Inszenierung durchaus mit bekannten Horror-Shootern mithalten.Natürlich sind viele Grusel-Effekte wie Fehlalarme des Bewegungsmelders, platzende Gasleitungen und fallende Containerstapel bereits aus den Vorgängern bekannt. Allerdings gibt es absolute Höhepunkte in den Horror-Missionen, z. B. wenn der Predator sich unsichtbar bzw. nur auf dem Bewegungsmeldet sichtbar anschleicht und uns hinterherschleicht, doch nicht angreift, da er der Meinung ist, man wäre eine zu leichte Beute.Die Story ist bekannt, Weyland Yutami züchtet Aliens auf abgelegenen Planeten, entdeckt einen Tempel der Predators, die sodann auch gleich auf den Plan treten, während die Aliens sich befreien.Die Steuerung geht gut von der Hand - es handelt sich schließlich um einen Konsolenport - muss also alles auf ein GamePad passen. Entsprechend einfach und eingängig lässt sich die Steuerung dann auf Tastatur und Maus konfigurieren, zumal dem Alien eine "Always Wallcrawl"-Einstellung spendiert wurde. So fällt das nervige Tastengedrücke, wenn mal die Oberfläche von Boden zu Wand und von Wand zu Decke wechseln möchte, weg. Das Alien spielt sich rasant schnell und anspruchsvoll - einfaches Drauflosstürmen bringt natürlich nichts, aber das macht den Reiz der Rasse aus. Als Marine ist die Steuerung Shooter-Standard und somit perfekt. Auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad "Leicht" sollte zudem niemand, wirklich niemand, Schwierigkeiten bekommen, das Spiel bleibt immer fair, und man selbst auch nach den chaotischsten Kämpfen meist am Leben.Einzig nervig ist die Tatsache, dass das Spiel nur an Checkpoints zwischenspeichert und erst nach einem kompletten Level (dauert bei mir zwischen 1 und 2(!) Stunden. Spielt man eine Mission mit dem Marine nur zur Hälfte und wechsel dann für eine Weile zum Alien, muss man die mit dem Marine begonnene Mission komplett wiederholen! Also, wenn Ihr aufhören wollt, spielt den angefangenen Level unbedingt zuende und beendet das Spiel erst, wenn gespeichert wurde und das Game fragt, ob man weiterspielen möchte.Multiplayer geht in Ordnung, zuweilen findet man sogar noch Server. Alles in allem bekommt man mit AvP2010 drei Spiele bzw. Spielmodi mit jeweils 6 bis 10 Stunden Kampagne und einen Multiplayerpart mit theoretisch unbegrenzt viel Spielspaß.Grafik: 10/10Sound: 9/10Atmosphäre: 10/10Steuerung/Controls: 8/10Excellent Game!
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Everyone who likes Aliens or Predator will love this game, it's that simple. Having read numerous reviews bashing this game, I was a little dubious as to whether to spend my hard earned money on it. Don't listen to the reviews, because it's definitely worth a punt if you've got any interest in it at all. If like me, you loved the original films, and the original pc game from 99, then this game is a delicious slice of fanfare with an oldschool vibe.In terms of single player, you've got the ability to play as each of 3 species, each with their own 4 hour campaign. The story interlinks so you've got the added option of playing each level by species to really understand what's going on,although really that's not too important as the story is paperthin. Each one is different and it's refreshing to have 3 completely different species with their own unique abilitys and gory kill moves. Being blunt, the campaign is really entertaining but is not without some technical issues. The controls take some time to master but that's part of the fun. The AI leaves a bit to be desired but it's also forgivable if you love the source material. The sound effects are brilliantly faithful to the films, and add massively to the tension that made the films so iconic. In terms of graphics, AVP is really detailed when it comes to character models, but the levels could of had more polish, however, they're fine if your not too demanding.The multiplayer is a breath of fresh air after playing so many other first person shooters. The three species play completely differently so you often feel more attached to one of the factions, although it's nice to mix it up and really see what AVP has to offer. The various modes are all entertaining, with infestation being an example of the unique multiplayer experience this game has offer. The game starts with upto 18 players, 17 being marines and one being an Alien. Whoever the Alien kills becomes an Alien, so the hunters become the hunted. The multiplayer retains the sense of tension that makes AVP, and gives it a totally unique flavour. Also, survival mode is really entertaining and provides a microcosm of the all round experience. When you've got a team of 4, you've got a mix of left 4 dead and nazi zombies. However, beware that the controls are quite oldschool, and you dont have the ability to crouch or use sights, but this really enhances the reality of the thrill.Overall, AVP does suffer in some areas, but it's definitely forgivable if you're craving some epic wristblade, pulse rifle, or double mouthed action. This game is without a doubt a flawed gem, it's impossible not to enjoy the iconic characters, tense atomosphere, and brilliant trophy kills. It captures the essence of the original, and that can only be a good thing.
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so the reviews have been mixed. which is quite annoying , as all the big reviewers either gave it a high score or medicore.either way , after playing a decent 2 hours on the multiplayer, i have to say this game is very very fun. Fans of the franchise will love it , if your not a fan i suggest a rent. Its different from most fps put their which is good, as some are getting quite boring.The graphics are good , not exellent, they can be improved. However design is great really cool looking maps even tho they could of added more . dlc i guess.the multiplayer modes are great , infestation seems most popular and predator hunt. as soon as you play few games you will begin to get use to the controls ,they dont take long.Those who played the demo and didnt like it , should definetly try this as it is diffferent. multiplayer however does need some more dlc , and they can do a bit more to it , as it seems a bit old school , but it is very fun , ive been unable to put the controler down , and it seems MW2 will be out of the machine for some time.The campaigns however are split in three, and some have said they are short and some have said they count about right. i have not completed them yet .the fun however is in the trophy kills , remember the gore in this game is quite detailed and just like the movies it keeps the horrofic sci-fi like mood.the atmoshphere is some of the best ive seen in a game, great sound effects , the mood has been set right .The multiplayer maps are short like i mentioned, but some of them have very cool elements, ie the pyrimid map can suddenly change and you will find yourself trapped in a room for some secs. All adds to the intense and excitment that the game has.now the reviews on this game have ranged from9/10 opsm ukign 8.5empire magazine 4/5and then we have 5s from gamespot and githere are many more which all seem to contradict each other, ie some say the controls arent good, some say they are good.The specie balancing ... i have found no problem with this , they all seem to be well balanced , its just a case of how good you are.Each has their own strong point , like the alien has fast speed and agility , while the pred has strength and technology.all i can hope for , is more maps for the multiplayer and some more MP extras, you get different skins which u unlock , but maybe they can add a bit more to it .there is a lot they can do with this game , and genre. They obviously could of made it better, but it is rebellions first AVP on a nex gen , so hopefully they can sort theings out next time around.apart from that i am very happy with this game . the fun factor espeically .BUT it may not appeal to all so do check this one out.
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Ok to begin i am a fan of the alien and predator films andwhen i first heard about this i thought excellent this will be great, i remember having aliem trilogy on the psone and never understanding it, but this game is great and i do understand it perfectly.The graphics are great looking, i know not everyone cares about that but i do, i believe that they have they all this power available for them to make great look games and that not doing it is a waste of console. So well done rebellion for getting it right.The gameplay is the bit in my opinion which is outdated, there doesn't seem to be a cover system in the game, it also has no iron-sights allowing you to look down the barrel of the gun.But the rest of the gameplay is fine and i can't fault it , the real clincher as you may expect is the atmosphere of the game, when the motion tracker is bleeping and its essentially dark bar for your torch , its excellent, it is genuinely scary and build a massive sense of unease as in the game you wave the torch frnatically trying to find something to shoot at, then all you see is a shadow, its incredible thy captured the thriller aspects of the alien movies perfectly and i cannot offer enough praise for it.The story modes arent great, the clear winner is the marine story with a good nicely paced story that keeps you entertained wothout getting bored.The predator story is not as good as the human one but allows for more advanced technology and weaponry to be used.The alien story isn't really existent, you cant really right a story for a creature that has you independent thoughts and is just a killing machine.The multiplayer modes though are great, infestation where everyone but one starts as a marine and the one is an alien and slowly you turn marines into aliens and they then fight on your team. It starts slow but soon becomes racing fast as you gain comrades.The predator hunt mode is good also where you score points by being the predator and killing the other players the way you become the predator is to kill the player who is current the predator and you then become it. Not as good in my opinion as infestation but still very good.In each of the campaigns you will travel through the same areas, you will use different routes and see it from different perspectives which again i commend rebellion for because to make it not completely boring using the same areas would have been very difficult.Overall i would happily recommend this, it has everything that you want in a game and most importantly it immerses you and feel you are in the game.
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