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For Alex Toys Magnetic Boats In The Tub, 66 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.7.

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These boats have magnets in the end which means you can play with them separately or join them together, or "moor" them to the edge of the tub. My 2-year-old daughter is more interested in pretending to swim, sucking on the washer, and splashing water at this stage so they might be more suitable for a boy? However they are bright and colourful, and unlike some bath toys, are solid so they - importantly - don't get water inside of them, which eventually goes yucky if unnoticed and not squirted out. I originally bought these to distract her as she wasn't a huge fan of baths, but the "Shampoo Rinse Cup" completely solved all my bathtime woes, as it stops shampoo and water getting into my toddler's eyes when we rinse her hair,and that was her main problem.
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I've really gone off squirter toys for the bath (it doesn't make for a happy bathtime when your 3 year old tries to squirt water at your 1 year old only to have him covered in the black gunk that inevitably builds up inside these toys!) and I've been frustrated by many of the other bath toys available, but these boats are a real winner. For starters, they float -- which you would think would be a requirement of bath boats... but sadly isn't always the case. And then the magnets provide loads of fun, particularly using the magnets to repel each other and chase the boats round the bath.


Delivered quickly, well packaged. These little boats were better than I was expecting, float well in the bath- all joined up with their magnets or separatly and my little girl (9 months) loves playing with them- both in and out of the bath!! I'd recommend these. Not had them long enough to check they won't go horrible like some bath toys but they don't seem to let water in anywhere so I'd be very surprised if they did.


This set is just three little boats of differing design with magnets front and back so you can join them together. They don't squirt water, they don't make a noise, they don't light up. We must have had our set for at least three years and they still get played with. They are much easier to keep clean than squirter toys which you must empty after each use or they get full of gunk.


These toys have a good weight to them and are robust enough to survive a boisterous toddler at bath time. The magnets are nice and strong and hold the boats together at just the right level for a little one to be able to pull apart.Overall i am impressed with them, but more importantly my little boy loves them, and anything that makes bath time more fun is good for me!


These have proved a firm favourite at Bathtime. They are bright and colourful enough to keep my little boys interest, they are also lightweight and easy for him to pick up and throw around the tub. The magnets are well integrated and have enough pull to hold the boats together in the water which seems to be very important to him.Overall i highly recommend these boats.


The boats look great, float well and all three boats stick together by magnets at front and rear of each boat. Good value for money toy. My little boy 12 months plays with them in the bath but I wouldn't say they are his favourite.One negative is if you have an enamel bath they end up stuck to the side of the bath rather than floating around on the water!


My 3 boys aged 4, 3 and 1 love playing with magnetic boats in the bath. They are very sturdy, unlike lots of other plastic bath toys and they do not have any holes in the which means they do not go mouldy. They have been the best bath toy I have got for them and plan to buy some more.


My 2 year old loves these and I love that they don't take in water! Less black mouldy toys to have to soak in Milton! They're pretty cheap and as such are quite basic but great. The magnets also only work in a set order...2 year old figured it out quicker than me!


These boats are fantastic. They are stable in the water and the magnetic feature means that they can be used in so many different ways. Our grandson loves to play with them individually, in twos and threes and in different orders. A really good buy.


These are great. My boy loves playing with them, and the fact they've not hot holes in them, means no water gets inside to go stale and therefore you don't get the dreaded black sludge of eeeewwwww. They also actually float upright. Bonus win


These 3 little boats are of a good size and seem quite sturdy. They are also easy to keep clean unlike the other squirty toys we have a bath time. The magnets are quite good too and keep the boats together most of the time.


Nice boats, they do actually float and the magnets work. My daughter hasnt really taken to them but that's more a preference thing. Maybe would be good for younger children as she's two now x


I think that these were cheaper when I bought them as a stocking filler last year. They were well made, a good size for little hands and made Dad keen to help with bath-time.


Brilliant boats - they don't tip over in the water and the magnets are great for pulling them along in a convoy. Best bit is they don't take in water so no mouldy insides.
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