

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Acana Classic Red reviews.
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For Acana Classic Red, 7 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.9.

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Been using this since quite a few months now (was on the 75/25 before, but that proved to be to "heavy" for my dog) and I couldn't any happier. I top it up with some wet food to add some extra flavour, like 1/4 of a tray of either the Naturo or Forthglade Just and that's bowl empty every time.Bit weird the price fluctuating by around £10 all the time (which makes the subscription meaningless).Other than that, absolutely suggested.


Acana just brilliant food best you can buy my doby is diabetic so acana red is ideal she loves it had it all her life people always asking me what I feed her as black fur shines like a mirror,, done research on my dog foods as lost 2 dobies in the past with lymphoma and they were both on eukanuba which turned out not to be the good food I thought it was lots of my friends care now using acana too and very happy with it.


The best food in my opinion.My dog us on Acana since she was 8 weeks old.she is now over 3 years.At first she was on puppy food, then on pork and now on beef. She has wet poops if she eats chicken dried food and her poops were not that good on pork either. Now on beef its so much better. Highly recommend this brand and beef meals for sensitive dogs that cant cope with too much proteins


To expensive on amazon only 40 pounds for large bag 11.7 size at my local pet shop and when you buy 7 bags your 8 th bag free


One of the best dog food brands. Great for sensitive dogs. Just a bit expensive.


Dog loves every acana product out there!


My cocker just loves it

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